Chareidi Councilman Gets Tough With Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat

Tensions continue to mount in Jerusalem City Hall between Mayor Nir Barkat and his chareidi coalition partners. An urgent meeting was held with the mayor on Monday, 27 Shevat to discuss the plight of Talmid Torah Ezer L’Chinuch, located in the Ramot Bet area of the city. Deputy Mayor Yossi Deutsch gave an ultimatum during the meeting, stating he is not threatening, but simply informing the mayor where his line is and failure to reach understanding will result in the chareidim leaving the coalition.

The machlokes surrounds the decision by the Chairman of the Planning Committee, Meir Turgeman, who ruled the school is losing the building, delivering a blow to the 200 talmidim. Ramot chareidi representatives claim they are a majority in the community today, and therefore they plan to challenge the decision in the High Court of Justice if left without another alternative.

Community rabbonim gathered in urgent session on Sunday night, headed by HaGaon HaRav David Cohen and HaGaon HaRav Baruch Solovechik. Chareidi elected officials were in attendance. The rabbonim spoke out loudly against Mayor Barkat. Rav Solovechik called on all chareidim in the coalition to show a unified position on this matter when approaching the mayor.

Deputy Mayor Deutsch explained on Monday, he does not think the mayor truly understands the magnitude of the storm brewing as there were 150 objections presented and Turgeman simply decided to override them all to favor the position of the secular minority. Rav Solovechik explained to his colleagues that he spoke with the mayor, in harsh terms, and sent another message on Monday.

The deputy mayor added the mayor must be told the matter of the talmid torah has to be resolved this month and if not, on the next meeting scheduled for the 22nd of the month, the mayor will have to explain why he has not yet done so. He told the mayor, “If one does not want his child to study in a bomb shelter then one needs a special dispensation, and this becomes a news item. Enough! We have had it and the game ends. Your honor the mayor, understand, this is a crisis! In this case, we will not compromise and if that is not good, you will find us outside [the coalition]. There are empty buildings he can give them!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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