WATCH: Neturei Karta’s Weiss Addresses NYC Rally In Support Of Imprisoned Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi

Yisroel Dovid (Achmed) Weiss of Neturei Karta International addressed a solidarity rally for imprisoned Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi at Penn Station in New York City.

Tamimi was arrested for kicking and slapping IDF soldiers. Her family also has a well documented history of provocations with the IDF.

Last week, Neturei Karta activists paid a visit to the Tamimi family in their home town of Nabi Saleh.

7 Responses

  1. The mad man is out again.
    Please – may I have his personal info.
    I would like to spend 30 min in a room
    With him
    …..maybe we can knock some sense
    I to him.

  2. Even i have to admit this is ridiculous, while zionism is a plauge on the world, in any country in the world if u assualt a soldier you’re likely to get shot or at least arrested, so from a goiyishe point of view this makes no sense

  3. Hashem Yisborach! Please cure these guys from their mental problems.
    Have them fight Zionism and Zionists not other Yidden.

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