VIDEO: Israel Reaches 70 Years – Counting The Numbers


This video was published by the Government Press Office, showing a numerical history of Israel as the nation prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary.

· 30,186 babies were born in 1948 as opposed to 181,405 babies born in 2017

· In 1948, the average life span for men was 64.9 and women, 67.6. Today, the average life for men is 80.7 and women 84.2

· There were two institutions of higher education in 1948 as compared to 62 today.

· In 1948, 829,923 commuters rode the train as compared to 59.5 million a year today.

· Local production in 1948 resulted in a total of 25.6 billion shekels as opposed to 1220.3 billion shekels today.

· Export in 1948 totaled 29 million dollars as opposed to 54 billion dollars today.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. actuallyjewish – Yes, nearly 80% of exports in 1948 were ‘agricultural exports’ and much of that (I don’t know how much) was oranges.

  2. funny that when they list the number of babies born this year, they show the picture of those women as if to attribute those skyrocketing numbers to them, when in fact the vast majority of those births were from Chareidim, and specifically (or purposefully) not from the more modern crowd. But. alas, they do have but one agenda, don’t they… which is why the first comment from “ayid”, also nails the point.

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