PHOTOS: Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Stern Continues Fighting To Preserve Shabbos


Jerusalem Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi HaRav Aryeh Stern is unwilling to abandon the battle to preserve Shabbos in Jerusalem and he is now enlisting religious youth to play a role.

In recent weeks, much of Jerusalem has not been sleeping. The rav tells anyone who is willing to hear that the rulings and trends of the pluralist public cancel the Shabbos, not Chilul Shabbos, but the cancellation of Shabbos.

In recent weeks, the rabbi met with most Knesset members of the Bayit Yehudi and expressed his shock at the change that has taken place in recent months in the opening of the supermarkets and train maintenance on Shabbos.

He argues about the maintenance work being carried out must be accompanied by a rav, who will determine if the matter is one of pikuach nefesh or not.

The rabbi also wrote to the Council of the Chief Rabbinate, in which he is the member, and also spoke to them about the matter. Last week, the rabbi convened a special gathering at the Jerusalem-based Rabbi Kook’s House with community rabbis, Deputy Defense Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan and MK (Bayit Yehudi) Moti Yogev, during which they discussed different avenues of operation.

Among the participants were Rabbi Uri Sherki and Rabbi Yehuda Ben-Yishai. The rabbi at the meeting had some sharp statements, including, “My hand will be shrunk before I sign the Shabbos desecrations” referring to things in the spirit of the Gavison Covenant and Rabbi Medan. The latter is an agreement that calls for closing of businesses but permitting cultural institutions to operate on Shabbos.

The rabbi is also anxious to educate the youth, who do not hear his representatives acting on the matter.

At the meeting, it was decided that on Shabbos Parshas Yisro, the Shabbos Drashos will be devoted to the observance of the Shabbos in the State of Israel, and this will also be passed on to the youth movements. The rabbi has already met with the secretary-general of Bnei Akiva, Ariel and Ezra, and said that in their hearts, they would deal with the youth movement members and explain how important the public Shabbos is in Israel.

Rabbi Stern feels we may not sit back and simply accept the High Court ruling pertaining to stores operating on Shabbos, since the dangerous trend is spreading, warning for some there is talk about the elimination of the public Shabbos chas v’sholom.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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