Rav Shmuel Eliyahu: Israel Doesn’t Have To Be Like N. Korea With Drafting Women To IDF

Tzefas Chief Sephardi Rabbi, HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu, this week addressed a conference on halacha. Rav Eliyahu spoke out strongly against the policy of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott, of drafting women to serve in mixed combat units alongside men.

Rabbi Eliyahu explained “We can and will win this war”, citing the students are taught to be loyal to them. He questioned, “Does the IDF belong to Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman”, as the latter has banned him from addressing IDF events or entering IDF bases after Rabbi Eliyahu called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to oust Eizenkott for drafting women into combat units.

“The Chief of Staff is pulling the rope as far as it can go and eventually it is going tear” he cited, once again referring to the prohibiting of serving in mixed units alongside women.

Rabbi Eliyahu pointed out the only countries with mandatory conscription for women are Israel and North Korea, adding “We don’t have to be like North Korea”.

He cited the requirement of rabbonim to speak out when necessary to guide the tzibur, and this was one of those times. The rav insisted it was the responsible of rabbinical leaders to present the halachic position so it is clear to all. He urged followers to phone Bayit Yehudi party chairman Minister Naftali Bennet and other party MKs including Moti Yogev to persuade them the induction of women as combatants is contrary to halacha.

Rabbi Eliyahu said “War is brewing” adding “It won’t end until Eizenkott resigns”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Once again Rav Shmuel Eliyahu is the lone Tzadik and true Jewish leader who a the guts to be outspoken on the clear position of the TORAH and how it should be applied to the Army in Israel. Any other Rabbis speak up???

  2. RealJewish – except that the Chareidi tzibbur, lead by the Gedolei Torah have been saying this for the past 70 years. It’s rather interesting that Rav Shmuel Eliyah’s opinion has not appeared on the sole English language Dati Leumi website.

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