Rabbi Yaakov Yosef: Shas Is Putting Jews in Danger

shas.jpgINN is reporting, that Rabbi Yaakov Yosef – the oldest son of Chacham Ovadia Yosef – has said that “the Shas party should quit the government immediately, or bear responsibility for putting Israel in grave danger. Shas can no longer use the excuse that negotiations over the surrender of parts of Jerusalem are far from fruition”, he said.

He also said that Shas is betraying the decision of the Council of Torah Sages and putting the entire Jewish people in danger by remaining in the government.

It is interesting to note that Rabbi Yaakov Yosef has disagreed with Chacham Ovadia Yosef politically in the past, and Shas tells INN that Rabbi Yaakov Yosef’s views do not reflect the positions of Shas or of its spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

8 Responses

  1. I am also sure that the spiritual leader of the $ha$ party knows exactly what to do to get more money for their yeshivot.

    ” A blinded shepherd is better than no shepherd at all! ”
    No, it is not. Without a shepherd you at least know that you have nowhere to go, and you’ll be cautios. With a blind shepherd you are sure you are going the right way, and walk with high spirits right into oblivion

  2. I don’t understand #1. It sounds to me like the greatest transgression of Kibbud Av possible! Please someone explain it to me, I want to be Dan Him Lechaf Zchus.

  3. Here’s the old dilemma, once again:

    Fight for your position from the inside, or try to destroy your opponents from the outside.

    In this case Shas must choose between working with Kadima to advance their causes from the inside, or leaving the Coalition and joining Netanyahu on the outside.

    Is Netanyahu any better? Who knows—He didn’t do so well when he was Prime Minister!

    Here is an example of what Shas is accomplishing by staying on the inside:


    Knesset votes against civil marriage
    Bill granting all married couples’ rights to couples wed in Israel without a rabbi rejected by vast majority of MKs. Bill’s initiators, Yisrael Beiteinu MK David Rotem: Labor, Kadima and Likud spat in the face of the freedom-seeking public
    Amnon Meranda
    Published: 02.13.08, 17:57 / Israel Jewish Scene

    MK Rotem said Wednesday that the reason some of the Likud MKs failed to support his bill was surrendering to Shas in a bid to form the next coalition. He also slammed the Labor and Kadima members who did not support the bill.

    “They wet themselves. It’s embarrassing. How is it possible that on Monday they tell me to submit the bill and on Wednesday they fail to support it?”

  4. #1 – I look at it a little bit different. If even the Torah tells us that if we come to a crossroad and don’t know what direction to take that we should go right, does that mean that it is definitely the correct direction? Our job is to listen and you will find that if you do you will be led in the direction that Hashem wants you be led. But if Hashem wants something to happen to you it’s going to happen no matter what. You have no guarantee.

  5. #1 and everyone else ..
    if u beleive in the r’ yaakov yosef and u beleive that he’s a tzadik then i think its very simple what hes doing has to be right and the shaas party is not what it used to be when his father was leading so there4 things changed and hes not contradicting his father .. its two diff time periods where diff things are needed.
    btw what do u mean that gedolim made mistake by the war?? im a bit confused..

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