VIDEO: Egged Drivers Around The Country To Halt Service On Monday From 10:00am-Noon


Histadrut National Labor Federation spokesman Yaniv Levy announced on Sunday, 5 Shevat, that on Monday morning from 10:00am to noon, all Egged drivers on all lines will halt service in protest of violence against drivers.

Egged union official Avi Edri adds “The decision sends a message to anyone wishing to harm drivers that violence against them will not be tolerated in any form. Drivers of public transportation service the public faithfully and it is unacceptable to think we will stand by while they are targeted and attacked”.

In the accompanying video, one such incident appears, when a passenger targets a driver on a Jerusalem number 59 bus. Egged officials report there have simply been too many assaults against drivers in recent months, calling for the two-hour strike.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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