Avreich from Betar Remains in Very Serious Condition Following Erev Shabbos Accident

Tefilos are requested for Betar Illit resident and avreich, Natan ben Rachel, who remains in serious condition in Shaare Zedek Hospital following a vehicular accident on Friday at the Annaba Interchange on the way back from Meron.

Four persons were injured in the accident, all hospitalized in Shaare Zedek, including Natan, who is the most seriously injured. He sustained multisystem trauma and is in an intensive care unit on a respirator.

One other victim is in moderate condition and two remaining victims are listed in light condition. They were heading back from being mispallel at the Tziyun of Rashbi in Meron when the accident occurred, at about 8:00am on Highway 1 towards Jerusalem. The private vehicle carrying them lost condition, apparently due to the inclement weather, and the vehicle flipped into a ditch.

An atzeres tefilla was conducted on motzei Shabbos at the Kosel for the recuperation of Natan ben Rachel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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