VIDEO: Shouts Of ‘Chardak’ Leveled At IDF Soldier Passing Near Beis Yisrael Shteiblach


In the accompanying video, taken on Wednesday morning, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, in the Beis Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem, we see a lone IDF soldier walking away from the camera, on the right side of the screen, targeted with shouts of ‘Chardak’ as he passed the shteiblach.

Military authorities have recently urged religious soldiers to report such incidents, vowing to come down on responsible individuals with the full weight of the law.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Every day I see frum soldiers walking peacefully through frum neighborhoods without anybody bothering them. And I never see yeshiva world or arutz sheva or any other supposedly frum news outlet posting videos of the event. Actually, now that I think about it, I live in a very chareidi neighborhood in Yerushalayim, am constantly in an around many other chareidi neighborhoods in Yerushalayim, and have NEVER, not once, seen a frum soldier being harassed. (Of course, I’ve also never been witness to a woman being treated disrespectfully on a mehadrin bus, though I’ve often seen men squished like sardines in the front of the bus while 7 women spread themselves out in the seats in the back in a way that doesn’t allow any of the men to have seats. I apparently live in a different Yerushalayim than the people who write for news outlets.) Though I’m not denying that these things do happen occasionally, perhaps it’s time to stop providing fodder for increased sinas chinam and either let the matter rest or tell the whole story. Please take some responsibility for klal yisroel and take this story down.

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