VIDEO/PHOTOS: Neturei Karta Delegation Travels To Cairo To Participate In Conference


A Neturei Karta delegation flew to Cairo, Egypt to participate in yet another anti-Israel forum. The two-day conference took place on Wednesday, 1 Rosh Chodesh Shevay and Thursday.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. What a Kiddush Shem Shomayim explaining to the Goyim that we don’t belong to the Tomene Tziyoinim.
    All the complaints Arabs have, are only against the Tziyoinim and not against Frimme Yidden who oppose
    Tziyoinim (See Vayoel Moishe)

  2. If they are from Israel, the government should not allow them back. They should stay in Cairo or move to another Arab state and maybe their long-suffering wives & families – and us! – can get some relief. If the families want to join them, gei gezunteheit. Now.

  3. We have enemies one this side, the liberal reform etc, and enemies on the other side, the overly extreme Neutra Karta nut cakes.

    Sometimes I wonder how did all the crazy poople get Jewish?

  4. Why in the world do you give credibility to these people? What they don’t realize is that their Arab “friends” certainly won’t come to their rescue in a terrorist attack – they will slit their throats with glee. I agree with hml – let them all move to Ramallah – and see how long they last. A real chillul Hashem

  5. mfmf: although this is what the vayoel moshe explains, i don’t think he would have sent his people to cairo, iran and other places to tell the goyim that we don’t halt of the zionist medina.
    there’s a limit to extremism in yiddishkeit

  6. Why in the world do you give credibility to these people? What they don’t realize is that their Arab “friends” certainly won’t come to their rescue in a terrorist attack – they will slit their throats with glee. I agree with hml – let them all move to Ramallah – and see how long they last. A real chillul Hashem

  7. Why in the world do you give credibility to these people? What they don’t realize is that their Arab “friends” certainly won’t come to their rescue in a terrorist attack – I agree with hml – let them all move to Ramallah – and see how long they last. A real chillul Hashem

  8. These people have no chelek in olam habah. This fool calls himself a “rabbi”, I would like to see his semicha, I assure you he doesn’t have one. @mfmf, another misguided follower of this cult, quotes from vayoel Moshe. The old satmar Rav, while I disagreed with him, was a Yorai shamoyim and Was a wise person. He understood when and how and to whom to express his thoughts. Not like these lost souls. There is demonstrated in a story. A Goyisha politician came to the satmar Rav for support and spoke about a very anti Israel platform. The satmar Rav refused to support him. He was asked why, he’s shares our views? The satmar Rav answered. Don’t you understand? I hate the zionists because if their “goyishkit”, he hates them because of their “yiddishkiet”.

    He would NEVER support what the Mechallei Sheim Shomayim do and they therefore have no chelek in olam habah.

  9. The best for everyone will be ignoring them totally Yeshiva world News included
    this article only brings to לשן הרע & שנאת חינם

  10. as usual mf mf is living up to his roshei teivois
    of course the arabs only hate the tzyioinim and not jews
    thats why they have been kiling jews since they have been around

  11. mfmf if you love them, join then in some arab country, where you will all see first hand the extreme love the arabs have for you!!!

  12. Sometimes I wonder how did all the crazy people get Jewish?
    They were brainwashed by that evil antisemitic and anti Israel manifesto’s

  13. Not that my comment will change the mentality of these Meshugayim, R”L, but let this “Yidden” who cavort with the enemy go to Ramallah for a Friday night “Butta” and see if they get out alive from their dear friends. I wonder if “Al Pi Halacha” when someone befriends and supports a “Soina Verotzaiach Yisroel” is he “Chayiv Missa” or not. How is this different than being on the side of Hitler YM”S?
    Nebech, that Klal Yisroel should have to suffer from the Neturei Karta! I think on them it would not be wrong to say comfortably YM”S Vezichrom

  14. do their kids go to Satmar schools? while I fight the Zionist bankruptness of Yiddishkeit, these guys are wackos to deal with open anti-Semites.

  15. There are many Israeli leftists, mostly academics, “intellectuals,” writers and assorted media people, who maintain very similar views about Israel, and also consort with arab enemies. Many are influential people whose opinions carry weight. But, there’s never a word about them or their actions. Just the NK head cases and their shenanigans. That’s what’s going to make or break Israel. A bunch of no bodies who are a laughing stock throughout the Jewish world. Why does YWN have this ongoing obsession with them? No other Chareidi newspaper or news outlet gives them the time of day. I hope all the erstwhile commenters detest the left-wing anti-Zionists with the same fervor as they disparage NK. Especially since the former can and probably do more damage to Israel than this gang of fools.
    BTW, for all those who don’t get it yet — they are American citizens not Israeli. So, forget about banning or deporting them. They came from the U.S. and witll return to the U.S.

  16. YWN, how did u let chugibugi’s post go thru?
    Whether u agree with the Rebbe’s shita or not, It still doesn’t give anybody a heter to speak like that..
    Did the Beis Hillel speak like that about the Beis Shammai, even in a case where there was a question of bringing mamzeirim into Klal Yisroel?

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