Israel Fires Patriots in Ongoing Military Exercise with USA

In the ongoing IDF/US armed forces largest-ever training event taking place over recent weeks, four Patriot missiles were fired from the air force’s Palmachim base on Monday, simulating incoming missiles from Syria and Iran.

The ongoing attack simulations include just about any type of attack feasible as the military of the two nations work side-by-side in the unprecedented training event, simulating regional warfare that involves US military aid.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak was on hand to observe the firing of the Patriots, praising the level of cooperation between the IDF and US armed forces, adding “These are very important times for advancing our missile defense coordination in the face of future tests, and also for ongoing activity against Hamas and the terror organizations in Gaza, which is likely to worsen and expand.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. WHAT!?!

    Robert Kraft donates a Football Field and all of a sudden out of the blue they tell them they’re fired! Who do they think they are Donald Trump!

    Sorry it’s the middle of football season

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