Recap of Sunday Night Rocket Attacks into S. Israel

Residents of southern Israel are angry, frustrated and speechless in light of the lack of response to rocket attacks. From motzei shabbos until 18:00 on Sunday, about 110 rockets landed in different areas of the south.

Following is a partial list of the attacks that followed, from Sunday evening until Monday morning, 27 Cheshvan 5773 at 07:30.

18:04: Two rockets fired at the Eshkol Regional Council area.
18:22: Six rockets land in the Eshkol Council area.
18:40: Two rockets to the Eshkol region.
19:15: Two rockets to Eshkol area.
19:31: Rocket fired at Sderot. No injuries. Rocket struck a home.
19:39: Two rockets into Eshkol region.
19:51: Rocket to Eshkol region.
20:01: Rockets to Sderot, Shar HaNegev and Eshkol regions.
21:10: Rocket lands in Eshkol region.
21:21: Rockets land in S’dot Negev and Netivot areas.
22:18: Rocket fired into Eshkol region.
23:20: Rockets fired at kibbutzim in Shar HaNegev region.
23:51: Sirens sound in Eshkol region.
23:52: More rockets into Eshkol
00:02: Electric line hit by rocket in a community in Eshkol region.
07:20: Rocket slams into a store in Netivot. 26 treated for hysteria.

B’chasdei Hashem only a few people were physically injured while others were treated for hysteria. There was property damage to homes, vehicles and businesses.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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