MAILBAG: Unprecedented Chillul Hashem

Dear YWN,

I’m employed at a very large Israeli corporation, and the vast majority of the employees are completely not frum.

Today, my boss introduced me to another project manager, to discuss how I can take over some of their projects. Each department receives a certain amount of annual budgeting, and not always is there enough to go around for each department.

He jokingly said that “we steal budget funds from each other.”

Then he looked at me and said (albeit with a smile), “You wear a yarmulkeh, you’re allowed to steal regardless.” !!!

My fellow YWN readers and yidden, I implore you to stop celebrating acts that constitute a terrible Chilul Hashem.

I sign off with the closing words of the Tisha B’Av Kinnos:
אֱלִי צִיּוֹן וְעָרֶיהָ … עֲלֵי שִׁמְךָ אֲשֶׁר חֻלַּל
(Tzion and its suburbs, cry over Your Name which has been desecrated)

Dror Maor
Ramat Beit Shemesh

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Dror-

    When I saw the caption to your letter ‘unprecedented Chilul Hashem’ I thought we were going to hear some story that sadly a Chilul Hashem took place and the point of your letter would be to point out how it could have been avoided. Instead you let us in on a hateful comment said by your non religious boss who most probably is someone who hates chareidim and must hate them a lot…. so much that he felt the need to make not only a disgusting comment but a factually incorrect comment to his very own employee. Yes we all need to be careful about Chilul Hashem but a vile comment from your boss about chareidim is not in of itself a reason to be concerned about a Chilul Hashem. Maybe you ought go to your boss and tell him you’re offended by his inappropriate comment instead of preaching to us on the topic of Chilul Hashem…

  2. He meant “share budgets”, There is still on bag of money for the whole company and there is no more. The company owns it, and it does not go into an individual’s pockets.

  3. Who exactly are you referring to that are celebrating acts that constitute Chilul Hashem? Are you referring to Rubashkin? If so, like I’ve said many times before, that people are not celebrating what he did, they are celebrating the injustice that had been righted.

  4. Seichel
    January 9, 2018 10:46 pm at 10:46 pm
    Who exactly are you referring to that are celebrating acts that constitute Chilul Hashem? Are you referring to Rubashkin? If so, like I’ve said many times before, that people are not celebrating what he did, they are celebrating the injustice that had been righted.

    Looks looks like you’ve been sharing coolaid with joseph!

  5. If someone makes a statement that Frum Yidden are celebrating their acts of theft, which is a terrible Chilul Hashem, then he must back it up. Seriously have you seen people dancing in the street and making parties after they steal from the government etc.? What exactly does “Celebrating” mean here? Maybe celebrating” was a wrong choice of a word for him to use.

  6. “Unprecedented”?? Really??
    One comment is suddenly an unprecedented chilul Hashem?
    With all the paid advertisements disguised as news stories, dramatic but ridiculous headlines, YWN is looking more and more like a tabloid with little content.
    Make YWN great again…..PLEASE!

  7. I must be missing something–what event are you referring to when you say “My fellow YWN readers and yidden, I implore you to stop celebrating acts that constitute a terrible Chilul Hashem.” Are you sleep deprived?-Who is celebrating acts that constitute a Chilul Hashem”””

  8. Dear Dror Maor,
    You’ve been doing a lot of writing recently & I think it would be wise to heed an old Yiddish saying repeated by the Brisker Rav Zatz’l: [Translated] “Not everything you think, you say. Not everything you say, you write. & not everything you write, you print”
    “My fellow YWN readers and yidden, I implore you to stop celebrating acts that constitute a terrible Chilul Hashem.”
    I don’t know what got you thinking that frum yidden celebrate acts of chilul Hashem but what I do know is that it’s not worth repeating,writing, & certainly not printing. Is this what you think about as you suffer through Chazaras Hashatz?

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