Beit Shemesh Mayor Tells Chareidi Extremists To Get Out Of City After Attack Against IDF Soldier

Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul responded to the latest attack against an IDF soldier in his city by thugs in chareidi garb. The attack occurred this week when the soldier’s vehicle was hit with rocks and trash. As a result, he lost control and slammed into a pole, sustaining non-serious injuries.

Mayor Abutbul said, “It is sad that there are residents who are extremist. I repeat my call from Memorial Day for the dear IDF fallen, to the very same extremists, get out and leave the city. They are not suited for the achdus that is demanded in Beit Shemesh.

“I condemn this both in the name of the law and in the name of halacha. Similar things were said by me at the inauguration of Yad L’Banim, which I established in commemoration of fallen IDF soldiers.

“I call upon the police and the legal authorities to locate the criminals and punish them with the full force of the law. He who raises his hand against his friend is called wicked.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. He talks like Mahmoud Abbas.

    One language for the press and one for the extremists.

    I’ll give you 3 guess who he’s talking to this time.

  2. The extremists are בעלי עבירה by claiming to be fulfilling the requirements of Torah and halacha. Meanwhile, they are definitely not. To me, that is the שטן dressing in the garb of leaders of Klal Yisroel. That form of שטן is far more insidious and deadly than the one that tempts to chilul Shabbos or the physical taavos.

    The mayor is correct is asking these goons to leave.

  3. didn’t know if you have non-conformist ideas you get kicked out, I guess he learned from Stalin, is he setting up gulags for reeducation?

  4. YW moderator

    What do u actuallly moderate
    Why do you think it is Yshivish to allow such terrible talk to be put on the site
    I live in Eretz Yisroel and I have known all about Mayor Abubul for yrs and about the Charedi extermists from Meah Shearim who have sent their children to live in certain areas od Beit Shemesh (II also have a married daughter and other friends there)
    I can tell by the comment f the person lives here or not
    I think it is disgusting that these awful commnets are not “moderaed” and think many times I should have this site blocked by my filtering company
    It is too bad as some of your articles are really good – but I guess it is about time YOU decide what our site actaully stands for and if u r willling to continue publicizing bad talk or perhps u whoudl decide about what ideologocal directon u want ti take especially about Eretz Yisroel (as oppose to Zionism…)

  5. I’m not sure what Yerushalmit is talking about. I live in RBS and Abutbol has completely changed his tune. He has allowed these lunatics to take over Bet, & they bother residents of Aleph & Gimmel as well. And he empowered them. It’s OK when frum youth walk through Bet on Shabbat & get attacked because they aren’t dressed in all black. It’s OK when women get stoned for wearing pants. It’s OK to leave these disgusting “modesty signs up, or to attack IDF & police, to burn tires and garbage dumpsters in the street just because. I personally know nice, frum families who have been run out of Bet because they don’t daven in the “right” shul, or their kids are more modern. One even had to buy dogs for protection! Would they attack the Satmar Rebbe’s enikel for being in the IDF?

    Abutbol leads a corrupt regime. The city is broken, even in the new areas. No facilities, no hospitalonly 8 policemen for the entire area, yet he is treated like he is a king. By pandering to these violent fanatics, by not allowing the police to arrest them, he has proved his bias.

    So why the change? Probably because he can’t run for Mayor again (BH) & he’s worried about his image. Maybe he wants to run for PM. Whatever his reason, I wouldn’t believe anything he says or does. His bottom line is himself.

  6. Finally someone condming the acts of the extremists,as you can see even in the comments on YWN many people can’t stand anyone condemning the extremists but abutbul had the courage to condemn the extremists I wish there were more chardi politicians like him

  7. Meaningless words. He has coddled and catered to the extreme elements of the city for his entire nearly two terms as mayor. Meanwhile, trash, literally, is strewn in the streets, extremist graffiti and vandalism abounds, and much more. Aside from not taking control of the extremists he’s just an awful, awful mayor. We, Dati Leumi, Masorti and Chiloni don’t care less which or if the mayor wears a hat. We just want someone whose priority is to make Bet Shemesh the amazing city it can be for ALL its residents. There are hundreds of Chareidi residents of RBS Gimmel who are learning this hard way right now. Hopefully, so-called “das torah” will keep its nose out of our business next election and let their flocks vote for the best mayor, not the “frummest”.

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