VIDEO/PHOTOS: Early Morning Protests Following Arrests And Police Raid In Meah Shearim


A large force of police and special forces including Yassam and border police arrived during the night of 21 Teves (Sunday to Monday) in the Meah Shearim, Beis Yisrael and Geula neighborhoods of the capital to make arrests.

Police went to Yechezkel, Bnei Bris, Meah Shearim, Malchei Yisrael, Amos and other streets in the communities. Despite the late hour, the middle of the night, it did not take long for sikrikim to gather around.

Rumors spread that the large force was operating in connection with the attack last Shabbos against chareidi Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Yossi Deutsch by extremists in the community. However, it was soon realized that persons were arrested for their alleged connection to vandalism to a computer and internet store in Beis Yisrael, which provides ‘Kosher’ filtered internet access to Chareidim. Three arrests were made for persons who allegedly assaulted and threatened the store’s owner.

Police also visited the office of the local Vaad which gave the hechsher for the computer store and this led to the violence involving the sikrikim outside.

In addition to the arrests mentioned above, a number of the protesters were taken into custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Whatever i have been hearing about these “sikrikim” over the past many months is extremely uncomplimentary. Who is the leader they follow that guides them (or misguides)? It sounds like a mob mentality, not a Torah based gathering of people. The attitude sounds quite like “holier than thou”, and this smacks of some of the stinkiest midos. So I ask who is the leader of these folks? Is there true “Daas Torah” that supports any of this? If not, I would be pleased to see arrest for all of them.

  2. it seems the Zionists have too much time on their hands arresting some pious Yidden fighting tuma while not arresting terrorists. we can never join such an army full of tuma.

  3. “….pious Yidden fighting tuma ….”
    Pious Yidden are davening for rain as we speak, saying tehillim for it, realizing that the rain season is quickly ending. Pious Yidden worry about other Yidden, Yiddishe farmers, Yidden who stam need water. Pious Yidden don’t have time to fight, congregate on the kronos and laugh it up.

  4. The Eida should make a takanah, no protests after 11:00, but they will open up a shul where everyone can yell “gevalt” from 11:00 to 11:30.

  5. when I first came to Israel some 40 years ago, I used to believe that these pious dressing people were so righteous. Now that I have lived so many years with them, I wonder how it is possible for them to understand anything; since most have a pure animal mentality and are incapable of thinking for themselves.

    Pure behamos at best!

    and when they come knocking on the door asking you for help to marry off one of their thirteen kids, remember they are just animals, they can recreate but not work!

  6. Luckshun kugel – you hit the nail 100% on the head! Instead of “Tova Torah I’m derecho eretz”, they practice “Kol Torah she ein imo derecho eretz, sofa betela”.
    I am beginning to question ALL shnorrers from Yerushalaim with 15 kids and no work. HOW IN HEAVEN’S NAME DO YOU BRING CHILDREN INTO THIS WORLD AND NOT PROVIDE FOR THEM?!!! And to attack with stones & bottles the Jewisj Police
    who are sworn to protect you? Is this yosher?

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