Mir Mashgiach’s Home Robbed On Friday Night

The house of the Mir Mashgiach (Credit: Bechadrei Chareidim)

Thieves ransacked the home of HaRav Aharon Chadash, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, on Friday night.

The Mashgiach’s house is opposite the Beis Yeshaya building of the Yeshiva in the Beis Yisroel neighborhood of Yerushalayim.

The Mashgiach was not home this past Shabbos, and was at the home of family in a different neighborhood.

According to a Behadrei Charedim report, skme of the Mashgiach’s grandchildren usually spend Shabbos in his house when he is not home. This week the house was unusually empty, raising suspicion that the thieves had been keeping an eye on the house from Friday afternoon.

The thieves reportedly stole silver, jewelry, and cash.

Following the robbery, a sign was posted in the Yeshiva, stating that anyone who gave checks to the Mashgiach over the past two weeks should come see him. The Mashguach collects money to deliver as free loans for Bochurim and Avreichim in the Yeshiva.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Hey nowecant, when they catch the thug who you say is an insider, and they arrest him, there will demonstrations in the streets that they arrested a yeshiva bachur?

  2. Im sure its just an innocent bachur who was hungry from the stores closing early on thursday night. Give him some slack. Besides, everything belongs to hashem , so he wasn’t really stealing from the mashgiach!

  3. Some of the comments so far seem to be suggesting this is a bit of a joke. It isn’t.
    Reb Aaron is a choshuver Yid, rightly respected by thousands of Mir alumni around the world. This violation of his property is an atrocious Chillul Hashem and whoever is responsible will pay a heavy price, here or R”L elsewhere.

  4. no way this was done by a yid! however, it would have to have been done by someone who knew that Reb Aharon, in the tiny private, nondescript apartment, out of all the other tiny, nondescript apartments in the area, regularly handled hundreds of thousands of shekels/dollars in funds.

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