Storm Brings Seven Centimeters Of Water To The Kineret

B’chasdei Hashem, the level of the Kineret has risen seven centimeters as a result of the weekend storm. The Kineret Water Authority reports that in the storm which began on Wednesday, the rainfall was significant with the most registered in Meron, 130mm of rain. The Golan Heights only registered 60-70cm.

The various nachals, which have been dry, began running again as a result of the rainfall including Kishon and Alexander. The strongest flow was detected in Nachal Hadera, measuring the strongest water flow since January 2013.

The Kineret measures minus 214.28 on Sunday morning, with a total increase in January of 8cm. On an average rainfall year, the Kinneret gains 30cm in January. It is important to realize that even following the significant rainfall and gain to the Kineret, it is still down 5.48 meters (17.9 feet)!

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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