Likud Turns To The Party’s High Court Against One Of Its Own

The Likud party leaders are turning to the Likud Supreme Court against party MK Sharren Haskel. The petition was filed by the party chairman in Knesset, David Amsellem. The reason is the Shabbos/Makolet Bill, as Haskel has announced she does not intend to comply with party discipline and plans to vote against the bill despite prime support for the bill made by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The petition explains the MKs statement is tantamount to support opponents of the party and they feel that her membership in Likud should be disqualified as result in line with the party’s charter.

Amsellem added the party’s top legal authority spoke with Haskel a week ago, explaining the reality to her, that failing to vote in line with party discipline is grounds for revocation of her membership as her actions will also destabilize the coalition, and the future of the cabinet. It was further explained people voted for Likud, the party, and not for her directly. Hence, he loyalty must remain to the party.

Likud legal counsel Avi Halevy reports she is a member of Likud and is therefore responsible to the party regarding decisions such as these where party discipline is being invoked. Hence, the party is calling to have her membership revoked before the vote takes place.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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