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UPDATED 3:30PM EST: Another Day Of Mass Terror In Sderot As 30 Rockets Rain Down, Homes Hit, People Injured

kassam2.jpg10:00AM EST: (UPDATE BELOW) The terrifying ordeal for the residents of Southern Israel continued today – with more than 22 Kassam Rockets slamming into Sderot so far today. A rocket also landed in the city of Ashkelon today. Boruch Hashem, besides for medics treating many people for shock, there were no serious injuries.

The 22 rocket attacks today, come on the heels of more than 20 rockets which landed in Sderot yesterday.

Speaking with Ynet, a spokesman for one of the terror groups (PRC) – who is responsible for many attacks – warned that the rockets will increases. “What was up until now is nothing compared to what will be. We call on them (the Israelis) to evacuate for their safety and the safety of their children,” the terrorist said.

UPDATE 3:30PM EST: An additional eight Kassam Rockets have slammed into Sderot – with two rockets scoring a direct hits on two homes. MDA Medics treated at least seven victims for shock, and a few terrified residents were injured as they ran for cover. The latest barrage of rockets brings the total to more than 30 in one day.

Israel began reducing by the electricity it supplies to Gaza on Thursday. “The Israeli electricity company on Thursday evening reduced by about 1% the electricity supplied by high tension line to the Gaza Strip,” Defense Ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror said.

But meanwhile, the United States on Thursday urged Israel not to exacerbate the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, where Israel has scaled down its energy supply as it pursues rocket launchers in the territory.

“We understand Israel’s right to defend itself but we do not think that action should be taken that would infringe upon or worsen the humanitarian situation for the civilian population in Gaza,” said US State Department spokesman Tom Casey.

11 Responses

  1. Oy vey!!! Isreal turned down a whole 1% of their electricity!! So insensitive?!! When the US and her allies bombed Germany did they make sure to not “infringe upon or worsen the humanitarian situation for the civilian population”???

    Ribbono shel Olam!!!!

  2. A majority of Americans still support the Dresden bombing during WW2 even though it killed tens of thousands of innocent men women and children. We did it because we were at war. If Israel is at war we would also support the fire bombing of Gaza. No troops on the ground are needed for that. Fire bomb every Hamas strong hold until there is nothing left.
    The world will protest and then forget about it by the next news cycle.

  3. #1

    We don’t have to go back 65 years, how about the GULF WAR 1991, Iraq was plunked into DARKNESS.

    Israel is crazy, because they agree with the USA that shutting the electricity (that they supply for the enemy) is wrong, how stupid is that?????

  4. The problem is not the US State Department. It is the spineless and feckless Olmert and his cronies who care more about left wing world opinion than Jewish blood. Where are the mass demonstrations of Israelis of all stripes protesting this insanity?

  5. To all citizens of Sderot,

    A message from your brothers and sisters all over the world. We are thinking of you day and night and we worry for your safety and pray for your salvation. May Hashem bring moashiach speedily and in our days and our prayers answered.

  6. Here is a quote from today’s Times:
    “Tom Casey, a State Department spokesman, said “We understand Israel’s right to defend itself, but we do not think that action should be taken that would infringe upon or worsen the humanitarian situation for the civilian population in Gaza.”

    Deflecting the criticism, Israel’s infrastructure minister, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, told Israel Radio that “no country in the world would agree to provide electricity to people who shoot at the electricity plant which supplies it to them.” He was referring to rockets that have been fired from Gaza at the power station in Ashkelon. ”

    Either the State Dept is filled with idiots or anti-Semites.

  7. B”H no serious injuries, rather the injuries of posttramatic syndrome and other stress and shock internal injuries remain for many years. We must financially alleviate their difficult times and offer them our tefilloh and ahavah.


  9. I believe the number of rockets fired on

    Sderot, Askelon, etc has increased significantly

    since the destruction of the Gaza/Egyptian fence.

    It would therefore follow that rockets with

    greater lethality and more accuracy would likely


    When will the Israel government wake up to the

    danger ? When the Knesset, when Tel Aviv, are

    bombed ?????

    A goy,

    Gerry Mullen

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