VIDEOS/PHOTOS: Damage To Many Vehicles In The Romeima Area Of Jerusalem Due To Truck Mishap


Many vehicles traveling on Ohr Elchanan Street in the Romeima neighborhood of Jerusalem were damaged on Wednesday afternoon, 16 Teves, due to a truck mishap. The truck was carrying a load of lime, which sprayed over a large area and the tires of vehicle passing spray the substance onto the vehicle. Officials report one cannot remove it from a vehicle once it is sprayed on.

It is yet to be determined if the mishap was the result of human error or mechanical malfunction.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The police acted with complete incompetence. For the first hour or so they allowed cars to drive through and dutifully wrote down, for eventual compensation, the names of the drivers who complained that their cars got paint on it, at the same time allowing more cars to travel through! Only after quite some time did they stop more cars coming in. Chelm!

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