VIDEO/PHOTOS: US Ambassador To Israel David Friedman Is Menachem Aveil MK Yehuda Glick


US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman on Wednesday, 16 Teves, was menachem aveil MK (Likud) Yehuda Glick and his children, who are mourning the loss of their wife/mother Yaffa A”H, who was niftar earlier this week. The shiva is taking place in their home community of Otniel, in the Southern Hebron Hills.

The two of them, Ambassador Friedman and Yehuda Glick, have been friends dating back prior to Friedman’s appointment to his current post. Mr. Friedman was given Yaffa Glick’s song book, entitled ‘רחמים שקופים’, and he then inquired into the well-being of the children.

In a brief statement to the media, the ambassador explained the purpose of the visit was to console a friend and nothing more, using the opportunity to point out that MK Glick is known for treating everyone respectfully, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Arabs or whomever”.

The head of the S. Hebron Hills Regional Council, Yochai Damari, was also present as this was the ambassador’s first visit to this area since assuming his high-level diplomatic post.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: דוברות הר חברון via Media Resource Group)

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