Tzefas Municipality Preparing For Winter Storm Later This Week

Tzefas City Hall officials announced on Wednesday, 15 Teves, the following weather alert.

According to the weather forecast, rains will increase beginning on Thursday, 17 Teves, and the storm will intensify during the night, turning into a storm. The stormy will contain severe winds, strong rains and hailstones are expected.

The storm can be prepared in a few simple steps:

1. Cleaning gutters.

2. Pruning branches and tying down objects / objects that may fly in the wind.

3. Use proper and safe home heating. Keep objects far from flammable heaters.

The municipality of Tzefas is taking part in pre-storm efforts as work teams will provide a response to the inclement weather as needed.

Residents who encounter the storm are asked to phone the local call center by dialing 106 or 1800-800-106 from a mobile phone.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “the storm will intensify during the night, turning into a storm.”?
    “The stormy will contain severe winds”

    I recommend that YWN get an proof reader to edit the articles before putting them up….

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