18 IDF Soldiers May Have Been Exposed To Rabies In Northern Israel

Eighteen IDF soldier operating on the northern border were taken to Ziv Medical Center in Tzefas, all suspected of being in contact with a rabid animal. They were all given prophylactic treatment and released.

Dr. Joseph Nabia, Director of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Ziv Medical Center, praised the commanders for their vigilance and prompt and efficient treatment of the soldiers’ medical treatment.

“During this period there was a significant increase in rabies and in cases of contact with infected animals or suspected of being rabid. As a result, the number of vaccinations held in emergency room inventory was increased. The emergency doctors from various fields in the internal field, surgery and orthopedic professions are all experienced in providing the appropriate treatment and each case is documented and reported to the district health office. ”

It should be noted that rabies is life-threatening and any person who fears s/he may have been in contact with a rabid animal must report to a hospital for treatment”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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