Officer Questions Loyalty of Nachal Chareidi Soldiers

While politicians are pushing to draft chareidim into the IDF, a “senior IDF officer” is quoted by Ynet anonymously as questioning the loyalty of soldiers serving in the Netzach Yehuda Battalion known as Nachal Chareidi. The officer fears that soldiers would refuse orders if instructed to remove Jews from their homes in yishuvim throughout Yehuda and Shomron. It is pointed out that more than a few soldiers in the battalion come from these very same communities.

One case in point is a recent one involving a soldier from the unit, who refused to replace a border policeman assigned elsewhere once realizing that border policeman would then take part in the destruction of structures in a Shomron outpost.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. One needs to remember that the concept of “Superior orders” which underlies military discipline in most modern countries in contrary to Jewish law. Our law is the when was has to compare the commands of a mere commanding officer to Ha-Shem’s, we should not pay attention to the commanding officer.

    While one might argue over the specific instance (i.e. whether the government has a right to destroy people’s houses under this situation), inherently Hareidi soldiers will be disruptive since in no will case will military orders contrary to halacha to respected.

    And the zionists are out to draft more Hareidim (and note that the case in question involved an enthusiastic volunteer).

  2. First many soldiers have said they would not kick Jews out of their homes. In the past the Left complained about religious Zionist soldiers. Second some anonymous guy complained and that is news worthy. Some anonymous guy is always complaining about something.

  3. Discrimination. I dont remember hearing that ALL soldiers get warned about destroying outposts. Only the religious ones, so they can blame us even more.

    Anyone following the gush katif story would know that following orders to evict other Jews is NEVER easy, no matter what religious affiliation one may have.

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