Israel’s Merchants Association Criticizes How Chareidi MKs Handled Shabbos (Makolet) Bill

The head of Israel’s Merchants and Self-Employed Association, Yair Korach, told Kol Chai Radio host Betzalel Kahn on Tuesday morning 15 Teves the chareidi lawmakers are making a mistake in the handling of the Shabbos (Makolet) Bill. The bill was pulled from the docket on Monday for technical reasons, the coalition was lacking a majority. It is hoped the bill will be voted on next week.

Korach explained that he and his colleagues began this battle long before the chareidim awakened to the matter, and he met with Shas leader Aryeh Deri, asking him not to package it as a Shabbos bill but as a social quality of life bill.

He explained that most Israelis do not wish to work on Shabbos and they are willing to fight, but once the bill was painted as ‘chareidi legislation’ many of the supporters backed off.

Korach feels it is a shame that Deri and the other chareidi lawmakers feel compelled to present this as a chareidi matter, for in fact, it is a social one that directly impacts quality of life in Israel for many. “I met with Deri and asked him to apply the brakes to permit us to lead the battle” but he was unwilling.

Korach explains it is not about taking credit, but more about the capability of his organization to win over widespread support around the country as opposed to now, where it has become a chareidi bill exclusively. He makes his point by explaining when his organization began the fight, he had 872 business owners on board but today, only 350 remain as it has become a chareidi battle against all others.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Yes, it is a shame that the press was allowed to make this appear as a “chareidi bill.”
    The ministers and MKs of the two charedei parties have done their utmost to bring up the equal quality of life issue in the bill, and the damage done to small store owners, but the all mighty press has prevailed, along with such corrupt politicians as a Yisrael Beitenu member who is the Chairwoman for Business Activities (who should be defending these businesses) have succeded in portraying this as an act of “religious coercion.”
    So why should the blame be laid on the hareidi parties?
    Just this AM I tried to send an e-mail to a HaBayit HaYehudi member, whose known to be concerned over Torah observance, to ask that MK why his party is not more involved with this, as well. Well, I won’t get an answer because his mailbox is full, but it doesn’t matter, every member of the coalition, and especially all religious parties, should be behind this. there is no room for letting parties like Yisrael Beitenu to take a different stance,. What is a “coalition?”
    Meanwhile, when the chareidi parties question whether they will support a Lieberman bill, everyone portrays them as not concerned over the terrorist threat.
    As we have seen in the leftist press against Pres. Trump in the US, the same applies here.
    No matter what one does, the press will find a way to make certain parties and individuals appear bad and their agenda appear bad.
    Also, when credit should be given for something good, the credit will be given elsewhere.
    Just today I see how the United Jerusalem Bill was described as a bill initiated by HaBayit HaYehudi Chairman and another party member.
    How long ago was it that very same bill was initiated by the UTJ?
    Except then, they could not even get the bill into the committee that approves legislation to be voted upon.
    People, it’s a false world out there, we all know where the Truth exists.

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