Latest Election Poll Places Lapid In First Place

The following election poll was taken by Magar Mochot under the leadership of Prof. Yitzchak Katz for Makor Rishon, appearing in the erev Shabbos, 12 Teves newspaper.

The poll was taken via the internet on 25, 26, and 27 December 2017 including 507 respondents representing a cross section of Israeli adults, 18 and older. The margin or error is +/- 4.4%.

Lapid 25 (+14)

Likud 24 (-6)

Bayit Yehuda 14 (+6)

Machane Tzioni 12 (-12)

Kulanu 11 (+1)

Arab List 11 (- 2)

Yahadut Hatorah 7 (+1)

Meretz 7 (+2)

Yisrael Beitenu 5 (-1)

Shas 7 (-3)

Despite Yesh Atid’s gain over Likud, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remains the most trusted candidate for prime minister. However, voters in Israel vote for a party as there is no direct election of the prime minister.

Who is most suited to serve as prime minister of Israel?

24% Binyamin Netanyahu

18% Yair Lapid

7% Moshe Ya’alon

6% Avi Gabbai

6% Naftali Bennet

3% Avigdor Lieberman

33% None of them or another candidate

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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