State Will Not Destroy The Entire Home Of Terrorist Convicted Of Murdering Solomon Family

The state will not be razing the home of the terrorist convicted of murdering three member of the Solomon family in a barbaric knife attack on a Friday night in N’vei Tzuf. The surviving family members want to see the entire home razed, not just one story of it.

According to a Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report on Thursday morning, 10 Teves, the state responded to the High Court of Justice stating it was making do with the demolition of a portion of the home that already was implemented last summer.

It should be noted that on the second floor, which the state wanted to demolish, live the five members of the terrorist family who knew about the attack in advance but did nothing to prevent it and were even convicted of failing to carry out an attack.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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