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PHOTOS: A Growing Number Of Chareidi Soldiers Seeking An Exemption From Wearing A Uniform To And From Bases


During her meeting on Tuesday with rabbonim and representatives of Nachal Chareidi in the organization’s office in Jerusalem, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked learned there is a growing number of requests from chareidi soldiers who wish to be permitted to travel to and from their bases in civilian clothing to avoid entering their neighborhood in uniform.

Chareidi soldiers have been coming under attack since the Peleg ‘Chardak’ campaign began, and for some of these religious soldiers, traveling home in uniform places them and their families in difficult and at times dangerous situations, not to mention complicating things at home for shidduchim for sisters and other community related matters not a part of routine life for a non-chareidi soldier.

Shaked has been an audible voice in combating the Chardak campaign, among those of the opinion the law must be increasingly stern against those who dare to attack any IDF personnel. Nachal Chareidi rov Rabbi Yitzchak Bar Chaim explained to the senior minister that while once, soldiers traveled without issue, today, sadly, attacks against them have become all too commonplace.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Nachal Chareidi Organization)

2 Responses

  1. I as sad to hear such things. When i see a charadi soldier, I want to shake his hand and thank him for putting himself out for me. Sorry to hear that he feels in danger in his home community.

    But charadim are NOT yirat shamiyim, they are dress horses who wear the clothing but have little brains to think for themselves. My son and son-in-law spent three years in the IDF and came out as religious as the best.

    I think more religious charadim should go into the army and they should influence others to do the same and also influence the non religious soldiers to become more observant.

  2. garlic
    I think more religious charadim should go into the army and they should influence others to do the same and also influence the non religious soldiers to become more observant.
    Who influences whom? the stats show the opposite, It is very telling that YWN shows the beautiful pictures of all the Charaidim involved in enlisting yeshiva boys into the army, I thought there is no such thing ( pics don’t lie)!

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