Heads Of Charedi Factions In Knesset Met To Discuss New Draft Law

Chareidi faction heads in Knesset met on Tuesday, 9 Teves, to discuss the new draft law. MKs Moshe Gafne and Yaakov Litzman, along with Deputy Minister Meir Porush met along with former Shas Minister Ariel Atias in Gafne’s office. Attorney Yitzchak Merson was also asked to attend as they realize there is much to be done to advance a new draft law. Close to the end of the meeting, Minister Aryeh Deri arrived.

During the meeting, the parties raised various options on how to deal with the crisis of the draft law that was rejected by the High Court of Justice, but so far senior officials have not been able to reach agreement, but it can be said that progress has been made.

At the center of the meeting the parties discussed how they would pass a law acceptable to all members of the coalition, with an emphasis on Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who is ultimately the one who must stand behind the bill.

One of the fears of the chareidim is that they will reach agreement and at a critical stage Lieberman will topple the government in order to prevent the approval of the draft law, as well as to strengthen his position in the secular public against Yair Lapid.

One of the real dilemmas facing them is that for the coming six years, Justice Esther Hayut remains the president of the High Court of Justice. She was the one who invalidated the last draft law and therefore, she is more than a bit acquainted with the old law and the issues surrounding it.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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