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Kassam Wounds Two Young Children, IDF Steps Up Air-Strikes

iaf strike.jpgTwo young children were wounded (ages 2 & 12) Wednesday when a Kassam rocket landed near a playground in Kibbutz Be’eri, located in the Western Negev. Additionally, their mother was treated for shock by MDA Medics. All were taken to a local hospital, and were listed in stable condition. 

A short while later, a Kassam Rocket scored a direct hit on a Sderot home, and at least 6 people were treated for shock.

Earlier, six Kassams were fired into Israel, all landing in open areas and causing no casualties or damage.

The IDF retaliation came later Wednesday evening, when the IDF carried out multiple air-strikes in Gaza. Ynet reports that a missile was first fired into a Hamas storage warehouse located in Southern Gaza. There were no casualties reported in that strike – but moments later two additional air-strikes were carried out in Gaza City wounding seven; the Jerusalem Post is reporting.

Four of the injured are reported to be Hamas terrorists, and the other three are the wives and children of terrorists.

4 Responses

  1. nebuch, two inoccent kids who did nothing to these arabs and look what happens to them. The old saying “do punish someone for his sins and he will punish you”

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