Toddler Found In Cardiac Arrest In Ramat Beit Shemesh

MDA and Hatzoloh responded to a call for a baby in distress in Ramat Beit Shemesh on Monday afternoon, 7 Teves. When they arrived, the girl was in cardiac arrest.

Hatzoloh EMT David Zlikowitz reports the 8-month-old was found in cardiac arrest and CPR was initiated. MDA paramedics joined and began advanced life support measures.

Paramedics transported the 7-month-old child to the emergency room of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital as CPR was ongoing, citing the child was in very serious condition and unstable condition.

The child was R”L pronounced dead shortly following arrival in the emergency room.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. My heart goes out to the parents. What a terrible thing to have to go through. Please don’t ascribe vaccinations or LH or a lack of achdus, or the multiple cement factories round the Beit Shemesh area as the cause. What good does it do to speculate? Better do a mitzvah in the baby’s zchut.

  2. BDE

    8th innocent child or infant niftar in the last 10 days R”L

    What a tragic mageifa we are in since we lost our leader Harav Shteinman ZT”L

    ONLY way for this mageifa to end is with Teshuva as one loving nation together. Let Hashem our loving father know when we are ready to start doing teshuva.

    I am already doing teshuva & fasting tomorrow 8 Teves (not 10) as i watch klal yisroel suffer so much tzaros when it could have all been avoided if we would just wake up to face reality in life & admit that its time we finally did teshuva.

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