Israel Elections: A Look at Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman

“The Marker” TV conducted an interview with Deputy Health Minister (Yahadut HaTorah) Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, beginning by sharing “facts many do not know about the minister.”

1. In his view, a benefit of being a deputy minister as opposed to a minister is one is not compelled to have a bodyguard at all times.

2. Litzman broke the Knesset record by serving as chair of the Finance Committee three times.

3. He was born in Germany, raised in the USA and his mother tongue is English.

4. He does not eat outside of his home, including the cafeteria in Knesset.

5. He lives in a modest Jerusalem apartment, 60 square meters, in which he raised his five children.


How do you feel the prime minister and finance minister have been during the last Knesset vis-à-vis the nation’s HMOs?


First of all, since I am a part of the government I cannot say just how objective I am. However, the reforms that have been implemented during the last administration are amazing and overall the changes have been for the better.

If I was the finance minister I would do things differently, including policies to addres the poor, regarding housing for young couples and other areas. I suggested to the prime minister to at least lower the value added tax on apartments to assist those purchasing subsidized homes, not homes that are expensive like those costing 5 million NIS.


Why didn’t we hear the chareidi voice during social justice protests?


It is not our way. We too have problems regarding social welfare issues and housing too, but we are not in the streets. It’s simply not what we do.


Perhaps some of the negative attitude against you, the chareidim is because you do not work.


First of all, if we all tried to go to work we would quickly learn there are not enough jobs. In addition, take Bnei Brak, and we see unemployment is low, and that is because the wives are working. The issue is that they have large families and that is why there is poverty, not because no one is working.


We do not see numbers to back up that all the men are employed.


It is not written anywhere that the man must work. Yes, in this case it is the woman that is employed, not the husband. It is absurd to ask both parents to work. Who will educate the children? You expect both parents to work? I am confident that if you go out into the streets and ask people they will object. Most families to not want to see both parents working since one has to remain with the children and take care of them.

There must be education and someone to be there for the children so they are not thrown in the street.


The international experts praise out health system but when you ask our residents and doctors, they do not agree. How can you explain this please?


Permit me to explain. The world is correct and our system is good but there are still things that must be done. For example, in the periphery areas lack MRI units and emergency facilities and if one needs and MRI one must travel too far. This is not the way it should be. There is much to be done.

Over the past years we added an unprecedented number of beds. There is still a great amount of work.


So the doctors are just complaining?


Not at all. We must address the issues of the doctors as well. The absurd is that I fought to limit the shifts of doctors to 18 hours and they fought against me in court. In my opinion, a doctor may not pass the 18-hour mark when in fact there are hospitals in which doctors are working and on call many more hours and this is unacceptable.


What about private care?


Take Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem for example. Why shouldn’t a private doctor be able to visit and see a patient on a Friday? Why not make the resources of the government hospitals available to them? If we do not, these senior physicians will simply go elsewhere. By permitting them to be hired privately, they are benefiting from the facility, the patient benefits and they senior physicians are around so everyone wins.


Do you sleep well at night?


I am a citizen like all others and I have the same worries if you are speaking about security.


Actually I am speaking about monetary and social issues?


Take me for example. I did not learn core subjects, nor did Gafne and Ravitz and look, we have done something. I am the lowest of the group and there are many with enormous talent and they did not learn the so-called core subjects.

I have my lifestyle and others have theirs. I try not to interfere into the lifestyle of the others and would expect the same respect in return.


But you, the chareidim do infringe on our lifestyle


And the same is true of you, the secular community towards us. Take the theaters for example. There are 20 different things. I can answer you and you will see but that is not the issue at present.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Litzman answer well all but the charadi job issue. Many many charadim do work. the problem is that many of the many many work ‘black’, meaning illegal. True most of the younger men learn in kollel, but that is only as long as they are given support by their parents and in-laws.

    On the other hand, few are criminals after finishing their kollel learning, compared to the number of criminals that are secular.

    It would be interesting to note, what percentage of the religious public are in jail as compared to the percentage of the non religious Jewish public.

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