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VIDEO: Hero Israeli Police Officer Shoots Suicide Bomber

mishtara2.jpg(Click HERE for video)

This past Monday, Eretz Yisroel saw the first suicide bombing since January 2007. As YWN had reported, two suicide bombers walked into a crowded pedestrian mall in Dimona and attempted to take as many lives as possible.

Thanks to the quick thinking of a police officer, only one terrorist was able to detonate his explosives.

Apparently, the second bomber had been wounded in the first blast, and was lying on the floor waiting for as many rescue workers to arrive before detonating his bomb belt. Chief Inspector Kobi Mor saw the hand of the terrorist moving towards the belt – and opened fire. The terrorists was killed instantly, and many lives were saved.

Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen said in a statement, that Inspector Kobi Mor will receive a citation for bravery and be promoted immediately.

13 Responses

  1. I’m not sure if this should be on the site. As nice as it is to see justice being served, these kind of things are better off not being seen by our eyes.

  2. Whew! That was quite dramatic and frightening. Unbelievable that a yid does not want to kill another person until they are sure he is a terrorist.

  3. #3, I suppose you would also agree that we not show footage of the Nazi Y”S to our children either. Don’t be such a wimp and face reality. Why try to be embarressed and soft hearted? They are our sworn enemies and we must publicize their evilness. Uvechol dor vedor omdim aleinu lechalosenu vehakadosh baruchu matzelenu meyadam.

  4. To those who commented on my comment.

    You’re right, it was my choice, but I regretted it immediately afterwards.

    I was referring to the side of someone being shot in the head.

    Granted it was a terrorist and as I said justice was served, but its the type of site I would rather not see in the future.

    Just my personal feeling.

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