HaRav Mazuz Calls For Fast Day Due To Lack Of Rainfall

HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim is calling for a public fast day due to the lack of rainfall. The rav made his remarks during his motzei Shabbos shiur.

The rav explained that the matter of rainfall in Eretz Yisrael is controlled directly by HKBH, and not malachim and clearly the situation is most worrisome.

Rav Mazuz added that Russia, with all its might, descended downwards because of the cessation of rainfall. The rav feels that “It is not a leap year and we are nearing the end of December and the situation is now critical. “The month is almost over and we remain in darkness” Rav Mazuz told his talmidim, calling for a public fast day to be mispallel for rainfall.

The rav explained there are too many sins and “Therefore, we cannot do as done abroad, Sheni, Chamishi, Sheni, (BaHaB) but there must be a fast day!”

The rav concluded, “Anyone capable of fasting this Monday, 7 Teves, from morning till night, should do so and have kavana in Bareich Aleinu and those who are unable to fast, to daven instead as tefilos are helpful

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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