Police Clear Dad Who Fired In Self-Defense During Attempted Lynch In The Shomron

B’chasdei Hashem, the father escorting some 20 bar mitzvah age boys on a hike in the Shomron near the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Kutzra will not be facing charges of negligent manslaughter.

As reported by YWN-ISRAEL, the groups was targeted by blood-thirsty PA residents who tried to lynch them. One of the fathers escorting the hike fired his weapon in self-defense, killing one of the attacks. The attackers managed to grab one of their weapons too, as well as attacking the youths, injuring some.

After the group was extricated from the area by the IDF, the father who fired was questioned and told he may face charges of negligent manslaughter. He insisted his actions were justified, in self-defense.

Police have completed the investigation and B”H concur with the father, that his use of his licensed weapon was justifiable, and they are recommending closing the case.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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