Israel Receives Letter From Gilad Shalit

gilad.jpgIsrael has recently received a letter from captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, Israeli media is reporting. This is the second letter received from Shalit who has been held captive in Gaza by Hamas terrorists. In addition to the two letters, a tape recording of Shalit was delivered to Israel in June 2007 as reported HERE on YWN.

Just last week, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said that Shalit is “in excellent condition”.

The new letter proves that Hamas wishes to advance the hostage exchange deal.

Following the second letter, Israel decided to accelerate its moves, and a committee headed by Vice Premier Haim Ramon approved a relaxation in the criteria for the release of prisoners “with blood of their hands”

Olmert is currently promoting a new set of terms that Israel would be willing to meet in the negotiations.

According to Haaretz, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert decided Sunday to relax the criteria for releasing prisoners as part of a swap for Shalit, but insisted that Hamas would also have to be more flexible for a deal to be finalized.

Olmert told a meeting of senior ministers and defense officials that he was “determined” to conclude the deal, but “I do not intend to agree to whatever price Hamas asks.”

9 Responses

  1. “dying altz kiddush hashem is better” – DO NOT choose that option for others, if the opportunity knocks on your door, go for it.

  2. its tough to agree with nishtfardus, but …

    also, i see that despite olmert’s past “reluctance” to go after hamas because of this shalit affair, i see the “tough talk” by olmert the past few weeks (cutting off gas, etc) has , in fact, led to some “progress” on the affair affair.

    the point is — be tough on hamas, they’ll give in.

    oh yes — continue the mi shebearch l’ne’edarei zahal

  3. your logic or lack of it is ridiculous-if it was you or your child instead of shalit you would never post this. dont offer another jew so quickly. Be frum on your own cheshbon.

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