WATCH: Both Satmar Rebbes Use Podium On ‘Chuf Alef Kislev’ To Slam U.S. Declaration Of Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel


On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeshev, both Satmar Kehillos held their annual “Chuf Alef Kislev” events, attended by thousands of Satmar Chassidim.

Both the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel (Reb Aron) and the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg (Reb Zalman Leib) used the opportunity to slam the recent announcement by President Trump that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel.

The Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel said “Just like 70 years ago we did not recognize (President Truman’s declaration) in 1948 that Israel is the Jewish State, we don’t recognize (President Trump’s declaration) in 2017 that Yerushalayim is the Capital of Israel”.

Chof Alef Kislev is the day Hagon HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum ZATZAL, the founder of Satmar Chassidus in America, escaped from the Nazis during the Holocaust in 1944.

The Satmar Rebbe, known as the Divrei Yoel, was among over 1600 people who were transported out of Hungary by train due to the efforts of Rudolf Kastner, one of the leaders of Budapest’s Vaadat Ezra V’Hatzalah, who brokered a deal with Adolph Eichmann to let the passengers leave in exchange for a large sum of money, diamonds and gold. While Eichmann reneged on the deal and had the train sent to Bergen Belsen, the train was finally released after four months of negotiations and the passengers finally obtained their freedom when they arrived in Switzerland.





(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

36 Responses

  1. Finally we have our great gedolei Yisroel speaking from a stance of Daas Torah, and not trying to appeal to Daas Baalei Batim like all the rabbonim who support the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the so-called ‘Jewish’ state.

  2. Trump’s Declaration put a dagger into the heart of Neturei Karta and Satmar. All their arguments, including the breaking of the three oaths etc. just don’t make sense any more. Hopefully, they will come to their senses and realise that not only Israel is the best country for the Jewish people, it is also the best time and government vis-a-vis Judaism and Torah in any time in Jewish history. Israel is the true centre of Torah now, for the first time in almost 2000 years, the land is giving its fruit again, and the majority of the Jewish people will be living there within a decade – all a clear sign of the coming redemption. Sleepers, awake.

  3. It was good to have money and wealth, unfortunately not many had that and they faced the concentration camps and the crematoriums.
    Instead of seeking achdus today, satmar and some other groups want to tear eretz yisroel down.
    A shame!

  4. We should be reminded that the heiliger Satmar rebbe is the one that blamed the parents of the 3 Bochrim that were brutally murdered in a terror attack a few years ago. Take a look for yourselves. This was before the Shiva was even over. How insensitive of a person?

    I highly doubt the holy Divrei Yoel ZY”A would have ever dared speak like this about grieving parents.

  5. Whilst I am excited about the announcement by Pres Trump, because i believe it really does give a better chance for peace for our brethren in EY and slaps the faces of the hypocrites in Europe UN etc., I think it is still good to hear healthy words of warning from Satmar to remind us of the facts that zionism is anti Torah and that what happened in 1948 and 1967 as welcoming as they were for the remnants of the holocaust and for the rebirth of Torah in EY , were not the beginings of Bias Moshiach!

  6. What’s the חידוש that everyone is up in arms about? We know Satmar shita and anyone who thinks it will suddenly change before Moshiach is ABSOLUTELY NUTS.

    So how about just ignoring this when you see it and it bothers you sooo much that it leads you to make asinine comments.

  7. ” “Just like 70 years ago we did not recognize (President Truman’s declaration) in 1948 that Israel is the Jewish State, we don’t recognize (President Trump’s declaration) in 2017 that Yerushalayim is the Capital of Israel”.”
    I worry if they will recognize the city as the capital of some of other random made up country instead. Where is the line drawn exactly?

  8. I don’t get it.

    How is this declaration “using Yerushalayim as the symbol of מלכות הרשעה”? The declaration is saying that Yerushalayim historically belongs to Yidden, not to Arabs. To refrain from this declaration is saying that “ומפני חטאינו גלינו מארצנו”never happened!

  9. With great respect to theses gedolim, they seemed to missed the point. Even though Trump called Jerusalem the capital of the State of Israel, one one his main reasons was because Yerushalyim has been capital of The Jewish People’s homeland for thousands of years. This point has nothing to do if you agree to the State or not. The fact is that Yerushalyim is the capital of Eretz Yisroel.

  10. And now thanks to them the Arab world can now qoute them agreeing that Yerushalyim is not the capital of Eretz Yisroel. This does not further the cause for Am Yisroel worldwide, it actually harms it.

  11. Wow mamesh azey heilig!
    I wonder what would happen if Trump decided to visit Williamsburg or Monroe? Answer: They would be tripping over themselves to be michaneif him. So these heiligeh drashas are being disingenuous.

  12. Not just the capital of Israel the people, but the centre of the whole universe!
    Was, is and always will be. No announcement really necessary, but Trump meant well.
    Just get rid of the hiloni rulers, please. So Stamar are technically correct, right, absolutely.

  13. To Yanky:
    Do you really give any deference to the rants against EY by these two brothers who have such contempt for one another so much they cannot even appear together on a date they both hold y as a great simcha for their rebbe? EY existence is a reality they may choose to ignore while their followers enjoy the protection and benefits provided by the security forces of the medinah. Hopefully, the two of them along with their followers will recognize their rebbe was wrong 70 years ago and they are perpetuating the mindless dismissal of EY, its legitimacy and its centrality to the security of yidden throughout the world.

  14. ok soo satmer doesn’t like Israel whatever ציונים so pack your bags & move out no one needs you here & then when the satmer rebbes come to Israel on their nseiyis who protects them the Israeli police & idf don’t bash them & then use them

  15. Fred, they also told their community to vote for crooked Hillary. At best they could stay away from endorsing anyone instead of given their support to the wicket witch that stands against all values of the Torah and 7 Noachide laws.

  16. No disrespect here, but am i missing something? Why does trump have a chiyuv to keep the 3 shvuos and not be misgareh ba umos? Hes not yid…

    Also weather or not you follow the satmar mahalach, all these chasrei emuna need to calm down and stop with panic driven statements such as “oh no! Now we’re doomed! The arabs are gonna upset!” besides sounding like a loser and a whimp, we are mechuyav and should believe that Hashem will watch over us regardless of what world leaders decide (which anyway is decided by the Aibeshter. Lev melochim beyad Elokim)

  17. Left out of this article!
    It was the Zionists, not just Kastner, that got the Satmar Rebbe out.
    You can have your opinions about the Zionists, but don’t change history!

  18. This is the same so called Rebbe,when Netanyahu was here begging congress for the lives of the seven million Jews and begged them not to let Obama go ahead with that murderous deal with Iran that would enable them to produce nuclear weapons,which they promised would be used to wipe out the Zionist enemy, What did this Israel hater do?,he wrote letters to all the congressmen and senators of NY and asked them not to listen to Netanyahu and vote for murderous Obama Iran deal,
    and if this sounds unbelievable here is a link to this ugly story. its from YESHIVA WORLD

  19. Let’s not too carried away here…… many Jews did Kastner and “the Zionists” allow to be slaughtered??

    That said- I wonder; one of the major issues Satmar has with the “medina” (aka the State of Israel) is the issue of “Hisgarus B’Umos”. What greater Hisgarus B’Umos can we have than slamming the President of the United States in 2017?!!

  20. To Chugibugi:

    You refer to R’ Yoelish, the Divrei Yoel as a “so–called rebbe”:. While the Aaron/Zalman feuding is a big chilul hashem and the shita of the original Rav on the legitimacy of EY was equally repugnant, I think as a factual matter, he clearly was a “rebbe” at least from the perspective of his chassidim.

  21. שנא מקלקל את השורה
    hatred spoils logical thought; shame that they are so anti Israel that they can not see anything clearly.

  22. so here are 3 reasomns why ywn may have posted this
    some satmar guys are pushing them
    they want comments…and hack
    “slam” fake news – compared to the old days this is very modest talk, because the battle of zionisim than is not the battle now the war is on a diff front
    finally out of a 38 min speech this was 4 minutes

  23. Randomx; I agree with you that GagolaHaboring’s repugnance toward the Divrei Yoel’s shita is repugnant. Unfortunately it’s typical of her mindless Hellenistic rants she so prolificly posts here. Her time would be far better spent knitting afghans for her einiklach on her rocking chair. Although I’m not a follower of the Satmar shita, I would remind all and especially Gagol, that one who is mevaze a Talmid Chochom is deemed an apikorus by the gemara in Sanhedrin perek Chelek.

  24. Random3x

    Then which “rebbe” is he referring to? Aron, Zalman or some other Satmar “rebbe”….I assumed his reference was to the shita of R’ Yolish as followed over the past few decades, including Bibi’s role as PM

  25. It’s hisgarus b’imos to talk against Trump. Isn’t it hypocritical to talk against one”a own non-Jewish government when one is busy bashing others for going against other non-Jewish governments? And they bash Israel who doesn’t listen to other anti-Semitic governments who call for security compromises that could effecr Jews in Israel, how can they talk about their own government?

  26. I long for the day when these satmar insurgents get dropped off in the middle of libya and can practice their idol worship unimpeded by the zionists..
    I am sure the local IS members with belt fed AKs and RPGs will have only the deepest respect for their views

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