Hagaon HaRav Kanievsky: One May Travel To Israel Without Concern

Last week, following the proclamation by US President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, persons turned to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita to inquire if it is safe to travel to Israel amid Arab threats of renewed violence and attacks. Questions came from young people, businesspersons as well as avreichim.

Kikar Shabbos News quotes Rav Chaim saying “Everything is safe and there is no reason for one to postpone a planned visit. Everyone may remain calm for things are good in Eretz Yisroel.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. These are the questions people come up with these days? More important to ask if one may live or visit Baltimore, which seems to be a bit more dangerous than Yerushalayim.

  2. @147 – although that may be true, your statement was stated in a disparaging way. That is a lack of Kavod HaTorah regardless to whom is right. I advise you to reconsider your actions.

  3. @Softwords — All know who Maran is, and why we call him Maran. Two brothers whose claim to fame is that their grandfather was the brother of the Divrei Yoel, not so much.

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