TERROR IN JERUSALEM: Stabbing Attack at the Jerusalem Central Bus Station


A security guard was stabbed at the Jerusalem Central Bus Station on Sunday afternoon – at around 2:15PM IL.

MDA rushed the man in serious condition to Shaare Zedek Hospital. The Palestinian terrorist was apprehended.

In an update delivered to the media from a Doctor in Shaarei Zedek Hospital, it was said that the wounded guard – a male in his 40’s – arrived around an hour ago with a stab wound. Unfortunately, the knife struck his heart. A preliminary surgery was done and he is in very serious condition in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital.

Please say Tehillim for אשר בן סעדה.

A police spokesperson confirmed that the attacker was a 24-year-old Palestinian man from Shechem, in the ‘West Bank.’ He reportedly held an Israeli work permit.

According the reports from the scene, the terrorist was apprehended by civilians, notably a taxi driver, before being arrested.

Security surveillance video taken from the scene shows the terrorist stab the guard. The Palestinian man removes his jacket for a routine security inspection. As he places the jacket on the inspection table he suddenly pulls out a hidden knife and lands one clean blow with the knife to the security guard’s upper body before fleeing on foot. The guard is now fighting for his life.

Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.



CCTV footage showing one Arab handed off the knife to the one who did the stabbing:


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Media Resource Group/ZAKA/MDA)

14 Responses

  1. R”l, he should have a refuah shlaima. No reports of attacks against U.S. embassies, consulates etc, just against Jews all around the world. Thank you you so much Mr President.

  2. tr, you are stupid and blind idiot, blaming Trump for the terrorist incident instead of blaming the real perpetrators: Muslim terrorists.

  3. Rt your an idiot and frankly I’m tired of your dumb comments. Don’t you understand that Palestinians are just looking for excuses to do terror. If it wasn’t trump it would’ve been something else. You buy in to all the stupid propaganda and liberal and Muslim media it’s offensive already

  4. @anon21, it’s “you’re”, not “your.” The word “your” is used to show possession (i.e. your opinion; your shoes, etc.), while “you’re” is used in place of “you are (i.e. you’re an idiot (in place of “you are” an idiot)).

    How is the victim’s mother’s name pronounced? Sa’adah?

  5. Why wasn’t the filthy dog shot dead? Were they instructed to conform to the editorial board of the NY Times and the BBC?!
    This is the outcome of the Elor Azaria case that the corrupt leftist judges in the corrupt “State” of Israel brought upon themselves.

  6. RT must not follow the news because there have been attacks like these daily even before Trump made his decision to move the embassy.

  7. To all those lovely comments knocking the 1st comment,

    What President Trump did for sure made matters worse. It is true that we are getting all kinds of attacks and rocks being thrown even before the President Trump issue. You have to admit he made matters worse. Of course if we all do Teshuva including myself, then Hashem in the future will not let President Trump to make such a silly and dangerous mistake.

  8. To Rabbi Moishe in Golus,
    Is that the way to talk to another Yid? Every Yid is a child of Hashem, is that the way to talk to Hashem’s children. Did your Rav give you the green light to say such not nice comments to another Yid?
    The Kamtza bar Kamtza story is real proof that you have to be very careful how you treat another Yid.

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