Sen. Warren Critical Of Trump Decision On Jerusalem

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she worries that President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital will make it harder to achieve peace in the Middle East.

The Massachusetts Democrat spoke to several thousand attendees Friday at The Union For Reform Judaism convention in Boston.

Warren says she believes a two-state solution is the best hope for peace. She says Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and diplomacy between Israelis and Palestinians should determine the final status of Jerusalem.

She says Trump should deliver a “comprehensive strategy” for negotiations.

The Union For Reform Judaism said this week that while Trump was affirming “an age-old dream of the Jewish people,” it also had serious concerns about the timing of the announcement and that it could undercut peace efforts.


3 Responses

  1. Pochanantas is critical of Trump decision on Jerusalem because Trump stole her 2020 campaign issue. She will not able to use her empty promises to move US Embassy to Jerusalem, like all other politicians do in order to milk Jews for $$$$ and votes.

  2. I’m scratching my head trying to figure out what she means. First she says “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel” but then she worries that President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital will make it harder to achieve peace in the Middle East. Hey which one is it? If it’s already the Capital how will his “decision” make it harder?

  3. Moishe, Pochanantas is the most creative spelling I’ve seen so far for Pocahontas. But the nickname itself is unoriginal and inaccurate.

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