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Working Together To Limit Shas’ Success In The Next Ashdod Elections

The city of Ashdod entered an election whirlwind against its will. The incumbent, Mayor Dr. Yechiel Lasri announced he will be seeking another term. Last week, opposition Councilman Shimon Katzenelson convened parties, with the gathering headed by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

Katzenelson, with four seats joined forces with Yisrael Beitenu Ashdod with two seats, with the latter headed by Vladimir Gershov. There is yet another party in Ashdod which represents olim from the FSU, called Kehillat Ashdod, headed by Boris Giterman, who during the last two terms was aligned with Mayor Lasri.

The chareidim have not yet officials announced their candidate. Shas and Agudas Yisrael each have four seats. The Kol HaLev party, a Sephardi party that ran against Shas, has two seats. At present, the Kol HaLev party appears to be signing to cooperate with the Yachad party, with the latter headed by former Shas leader Eli Yishai. It appears they will run together in the hope of taking mandates from Shas.

They believe that together, they will earn more than the four seats currently held by Shas. The head of the joint list, David Ben-Chamu, confirmed to ‘Kav Itonut’ that talks are ongoing between Yachad and Kol HaLev to run together, however this has to be finalized but he hopes to run against Lasri with the backing of Yachad and the others.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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