US Warns Citizens Ahead Of Jerusalem Move; Hamas Calls For ‘Day Of Rage’ On Friday

The U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem has ordered its personnel and their families not to conduct personal travel to Jerusalem’s Old City or the West Bank due to fears of unrest over an expected U.S. announcement.

Palestinian groups have threatened widespread protests if President Donald Trump recognizes contested Jerusalem as Israel’s capital or advances plans to move the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv. Trump is expected to announce his decision Wednesday.

In a statement issued late Tuesday, the Consulate said U.S. government employees could still travel to the Old City and West Bank for “essential” business, but only with additional security.

The warning also urged American citizens to avoid large crowds or areas with increased police or military presence.

Hamas has called for a “day of rage” Friday in response to U.S President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. In a statement, the group said the move would cross “every read line”.

Elsewhere, Jordan’s Foreign Minister announced that that his country planned to convene an emergency meeting of the Arab League Saturday and Sunday. It would be the second such emergency convening in a month.

Trump informed Palestinian President Mahmolud Abbas, Jordan’s King Abdullah and Egypt’s President Adbel-Fattah al-Sisi on Tuesday that he intends to move the U.S. Embassy to Occupied Jerusalem.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia said the move would provoke muslims.

“President Mahmoud Abbas received a telephone call from U.S. President Donald Trump in which he notified the President [Abbas] of his intention to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” spokesman to President Abbas Nabil Abu Rdainah said in a statement.


13 Responses

  1. Well thanks president moron, he has r’l risked the lives and well being of Israelis and others, it takes nothing to rile up the arabs. All for what? A deflection from the Russia investigation?

  2. No thanks Rt moron, you are a disgrace to humanity Hillary Clinton is the Russian spy ,lock her up!Trump has less to do with Russia then probably you do.Why are you mixing two separate sugyos,I think your head is mixed up because you drank to much vodka! Moving the embassy seems to be a sakana,that your correct hashem should protect klal yisroel.Israeli government our protection is the Torah leave the bnei torah alone!

  3. Trump is clearly out of his league and unfortunately has delegated his middle east policy to a bunch of novices with no experience in the area. Sharon started the second intifada by ascending the temple mount. Nothing good has ever come out of stoking tensions by trying to change the status quo.

  4. rt:

    You are correct. It takes nothing to rile up the Arabs. Well, presidents before Trump twisted Israel’s arms to make concessions. Every single one resulted in spikes of terror. These animals are never ready to tolerate the existence of a Yid anywhere on Earth. They have done countless acts of terror world over. They would come to do something to you, if you were in closer proximity to wherever they are. They just do it in the Middle East because it is more convenient. These savages are always a risk to commit terror, and anything in the news is used as the excuse of the day. It has nothing to do with Trump. That was not so much the case under Obama, who was actually sending messages of support and encouragement, and terro spiked under his leadership. But Jewish lives are at the same risk tomorrow as they were today. Daven your hearts full. You need to do that regardless.

    As for deflection, nothing happening in the Middle East will interfere with Mueller’s investigation. As for the media, they will be obsessed with Trump regardless. Nuclear war ch”v would not stop them from reporting the most insignificant issues of complaints about Trump. No deflection here.

    So calm down, my friend. Trump isn’t the moron you project. Actually, the previous administration could not find a whole room full of their lead people whose intelligence compares to individuals in the Trump administration. They were consumed with so much hate for America and the Constitution that their ability to think rationally was permanently impaired. And, while you daven, my friend, give HKB”H a few words of gratitude that we didn’t get stuck with Hillary, whose dishonesty and immorality would have trashed America to depths from which only a miracle could have saved us all. Count your blessings.

  5. I can understand legitimate disagreement on policy issues as between Trump and HRC but to hold up the Trumpkopf as a paragon of “morality” defies rationality. This man who has lied throughout his career, has been accused of sexual abuse etc. is somehow “moral”??

  6. How any frum Yid could stand behind the left and what they stand for is beyond comprehension. The moral decay and the shmutz that has come out of the Hollywood left like woman’s rights, LGBT etc. has brought this country to where it is today. The right in general opposes these veiws. Trump is imperfect but he is certainly better then the morally corrupt left, and a better friend to the Jews than his predecessor.

  7. RT is exactly right! No Seichel, not wanting to endanger Jewish lives does not make you a left-winger and even if someone is a frum left-winger there is no reason to demonize that person as you are doing right now. No, Obama was good for the Jews. What you have to see is that Jewish interests and Israeli interests are sometimes each other’s opposites. Be careful not to fall for the same populism that uneducated hicks all around the world are falling for.

  8. Yanky1998:

    You possess a wealth of foolishness. You seem articulate, and it is a shame to see this being directed at pure idiocy.

    The left accomplished what the Dor Hamabul did. It legitimized the most decadent of immorality. The Obama administration made that into American law and practice. That must be reversed, as communities based on such systems implode.

    You are correct in noting that Israeli interests and Jewish interests are not synonymous. The issue at hand is that US promised via legislation to recognize Jerusalem as the capital, and to move its embassy there. It was delayed because it was believed that peace would be forthcoming and that this might rock the boat. History has proven that there is no boat to rock. The Palestinians do not want peace, and they never did. They did want to make their mission to kill Jews more convenient, and the State of Israel with its military make this difficult. Anything that reduces the space that Israel has plus anything that makes Israel appear as the aggressor and occupier helps their evil mission. Obama, and the rest of his terror loving closet thugs supported terror against Israel in any form. He spewed this garbage from his first days in office, doing everything he could to stop Israel from conducting itself as she wishes, to pushing for concessions. This is besides the millions and billions of aid given to the Muslim entities that would predictably use it to fund terror activities. Obama had nary a positive thing to do or say about Israel, Jews, peace, or morality.

    Lastly, those who follow the left do so quite often out of ignorance, blind adherence to the saichel-free agenda of political correctness. They are the truly uneducated hicks who cannot provide a coherent explanation for creating confusion about genders, orientation, and identity. These are the thought police that convert anyone into bigots until they find an excuse that is acceptable to these idiots to be classified as a victimized minority. If you fall for their gibberish, my prayers include a huge refuah for you.

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