PM Netanyahu Excludes Himself From Recommendations Bill

Surprising some, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday, 15 Kislev, announced the Recommendations Bill needs to be amended to exclude him, meaning it will not apply to any of the police investigations against him should police pass any of the cases on to the prosecution.

The bill seeks to prohibit police from including recommendations along with investigative findings when passing cases to the prosecution. PM Netanyahu has come under fire with the bill, as if he is pushing it to protect himself. By making his announcement to exclude himself, he therefore removes these fears, stating the law is a good one and it will nevertheless not include ongoing cases against him to remove and fear of impropriety.

Regarding the cases against him, Mr. Netanyahu added he feels that recommendations in these cases of no meaning since there have been police leaks throughout the investigation. Mr. Netanyahu feels police should investigate but the matter of recommendations should be left exclusively for the legal experts in the prosecution.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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