Palestinians Warn US: Don’t Recognize Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital

The Palestinians are warning the United States against recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas adviser Mahmoud Habash says Saturday if President Donald Trump were to do so it would amount to a “complete destruction of the peace process.”

Speaking in Abbas’ presence, Habash said “the world will pay the price” for any change in Jerusalem’s status.

Officials in Washington say Trump is considering recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital as a way to offset his likely decision to delay his campaign promise of moving the U.S. embassy there.


2 Responses

  1. remind me again, what exactly is the “PEACE PROCESS”? it is obviously something that has been going on for decades and has done NOTHING to bring peace.

    So when the Arabs don’t like something they threaten violence; that is what is being done now.

  2. A tiny group of filthy terrorists are brazen enough to threaten the world if they don’t get all their entitlement-minded demands, and the world is usually spineless enough to cave in. Crazy! Who needs these liars? Crush them and banish them!

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