Bnei Brak has Highest Rate of Handouts and Stipends of Any Israeli City

The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a recent survey on the 14 most populous cities in Israel to discover the financial make-up of families living in those cities.

According to the study, residents of Rishon Letzion have the highest net income per household with the average being 19,182 NIS. Bat Yam a neighboring city of the larger and wealthier Rishon Letzion, has the lowest net income per household at only 11,486 NIS per month.

Tel Aviv is the city with the highest net income per person, weighing in at 7,631 NIS. Similarly, the study found that Tel Avivians also spend the most money per person, with an average of 6,337 NIS in expenses each month. Tel Aviv also slots in at number one for highest household expenses per month clocking in at 14,184 NIS.

Rishon residents are also the people who save most in the country, with an average household savings rate of 6,365 NIS per month. Ashkelon residents save the least with an average household squirreling away only 948 NIS per month.

Ashdod and Ramat Gan qualified as the cities who have the highest rate of income coming from working professionals, with 80% of the income in those cities coming from working people. Whereas Bnei Brak is the city who has the most income emanating from handouts and government allowances and stipends with the rate being more than double the national average.

Tel Aviv has the highest amount of income spent on living accommodations with more than 30% of average household and personal incomes heading to rent or mortgages. Haifa has the lowest of the 14 major cities surveyed and comes in at only 21.1%.  Due to the high birth rate in Jerusalem and Beer Sheva, those two cities are the ones who spend the most on their monthly grocery bills with the average being 18.5% of the household income going to buy food.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Move over KJ….the ehrliche yidden of BB are now the king of the moochers among yidden worldwide (if measured using a normalized $$/NIS per capita of welfare dependency at current conversion rate of .29 NIS: 1$(US). However, aside from new “issues” to demonstrate about, nothing in the news lately about new initiatives among the rabbonim and askanim of BB to promote gainful employment among their residents (aside from a few lame “job fairs” held over the summer). The Bank of Israel, under its prior director Stanley Fischer, published several studies in 2014 predicting a social and economic collapse in EY within 25 years as fewer productive Israelis were contributing to the nations GDP and struggling with an exploding welfare load among the Chareidi population. The only way out of this downward spiral is for the government to gradually say “no more” and phase out ALL welfare and subsidies to all except the elderly and handicapped. Everyone else must work, at least part time, if they don’t want to go hungry and live with their kids in a cardboard box on the street

  2. False statistics.Those “stipends” are Child allowance payments and because of the large number of kids ,since Bnei Barak has the highest % of under 18 population in the country, is just appears that everyone is on welfare.Child allowance is about $40 ,so no one’s “living off of it”.Tel Avivians don’t have kids, if they do get married, so a lot fewer get “stipends”.And these statistics neglect the biggest section of “welfare” recipients relative to their population — the Arabs.

  3. This has got to be one of the most hate-filled rants ever to disgrace the pages of YWN. And shame on YWN for publishing it. You have censored, blocked much milder comments than this (I know this personally to be true….).
    The greatest sage of the generation is forgetting that if the govt. cuts “welfare payments,” (which mostly come to less than $1000/month unless there is physical disability) — they will have to cut them to the (Israeli) arabs too. And if you think the Peleg protests are out of control, just wait until the Israeli arabs rise up.
    So, you say, cut funding to the kollelim? Then the govt. will have to cut funding to arab and christian religious schools too. Can you imagine what the zionist supreme court will say to that?
    Experience has often shown that sagacious advice from across the ocean doesn’t always take into account local realities.

  4. The stipends should be cut for ALL, frum, secular Arab etc…..the current social welfare, stipends, subsidy costs etc. as a percentage of the budget and GDP are exploding and are forecast to get worse over time as the percentage of income earners in the economy declines. I agree 100 percent with those who have urged the government to cut allowances for college students, etc. until such time there is a net increase in economic growth and economic productivity. Its not rocket science; if the fastest growing portion of the population is either not working or making only minimal contributions to GDP but at the same time is responsible for the largest growth in government welfare and subsidy costs, it is UNSUSTAINABLE. Again, this is not anti-chareidi, anti-arab or anti-anything other than saying the medinah is on an unsustainable trajectory. There should be a safety net for those unable to work but NOT for those unwilling to work.

  5. #2 and #3 are right, gadol is anti- Torah. the Zionists have no problem with paying for Israeli arabs since they are afraid of them and afraid of backlash from the western world so they have subsidized their population growing 12 fold in 70 years, the Zionists hate Torah so that is why they are trying to take away from Bnei Brak, in fact the Zionists should if anything INCREASE the amount they spend on the frum since it is the Torah that protects Am Yisroel not the toeiva pride parades that bring curse on Eretz Yisroel.

  6. The UNPRECEDENTED High POVERTY and UNEMPLOYMENT and ILLITERACY in this community is why the leaders are Fomenting Anger at Others and PELEG Riots. They’re diverting attention away from their responsibility for Failed Leadership that has left so many under 25 year olds unskilled to make a Living and in Dire POVERTY

  7. To Nowecant:
    Clearly, math was not your strong point in cheder…..

    1. The Arab population residing in land areas that were part of the original 1948 boundaries of EY have increased by a factor of 4x not 12x. The Central Bureau of statitics also shows the fertility rate among arab women is declining while the rate among the Chareidi population i growning.
    2. No one is taking anything away from Bnei Brak. BoI statistics show that the residents of BB receive more than then three time the amount of government benefits on a per capita basis than they pay in taxes. In simple terms BB residents ar “stealing” from the residents of Tel Aviv and other economically productive areas of the country since are takin more than their fair share. This is a massive wealth transfer INTO BB not out of BB.

  8. Those who are railing against “nutzlose Essers” (“useless eaters”) r”l should at least come out and say it openly. Not everyone has to earn 25,000 shekels a month to be considered useful The spiritual contribution of the lomdei Torah is enormous and not quantifiable. Those Chareidim who are not yeshiva students do work, and more and more are moving into the working world. There is an enormous pool of salaried workers who don’t pay any income tax — because they’re not earning enough. Israel is a notoriously low balling country when it comes to wages/salaries. This is not their fault; it is based on the govt. tax tables. And any American who tried to make it here on Israeli wages and ended up moving back to the U.S.
    In conclusion, I want to remind everyone that the survival of Klal Yisroel has never ever made political, economic, or historical sense. Our very continued existence continues to defy all the dire warnings and predictions of the naysayers. This is not to say we ought to ignore problems. But just keep in mind that despite so many predictions, the disappearance of Klal Yisroel has been greatly exaggerated.

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