PHOTOS: Nearly 500 Olim Come Together To Learn About Affordable Housing Opportunities In Israel


Nearly 500 Olim gathered in Jerusalem Monday night the eve of 10 Kislev, to hear about the most affordable and viable residential areas for newcomers to consider throughout Israel. Representatives from 40 communities from the center, north, south and within Jerusalem. Olim had the opportunity to explore various communities and hear from experts covering a wide range of topics concerning purchasing a home, understanding mortgages and choosing the right community for your specific needs.

The event was part of the new Nefesh B’Nefesh and Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael ‘Go Beyond’ program, which works to develop the periphery of Israel and Jerusalem through Aliyah with a new suite of offerings and benefits for Olim to reside in these areas.

“One of the main concerns for many new Olim is finding a suitable community with affordable housing. Through our first Communities Housing Fair, we had the opportunity to showcase the breadth and diversity of what the country has to offer, both in quality of life and accessible real-estate options,” said Rachel Berger, Director of Post-Aliyah, Nefesh B’Nefesh.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/ Photo credit to Yonit Schiller)

One Response

  1. I’m not sure who to point a finger at here:

    Perhaps, considering the audience that would be interested, you would think some Tznius would be in line here. This is a horrible portrait of Aliyah and frankly, quite demoralizing. It truly pains me to see this lack of sensitivity to those that would be/should be interested.

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