WATCH: Yassam Police Push And Shove Frum Women At Induction Center Protest


Women are taking part in the protest on Rashi Street in Jerusalem, outside the IDF Draft Center. There are rumors spreading that a woman or a number of frum women were arrested by military authorities. These rumors, which are still unfounded, led to protesters maintaining a presence outside the draft center the entire afternoon on Tuesday, 10 Kislev.

In the accompanying video the police shoving, and brutality is visible as women and girls are being shoved without provocation and without cause. It appears police have been ordered to just act as they wish and prevent the protest from getting out of hand and to prevent the closing of the area streets to traffic.

VIDEOS VIA מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים:

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Oh ye of short memories and youngsters. How you do not remember the same violence of 25 years ago. That time, it was against the Religious Zionists protesting the possible giving up of the territories and Jerusalem. At that time, Misters Deri and Porash were jockeying for positions and money from the dynamic duo of Peretz and Rabin. should I cry for these fools who will the daylights beat out of out them? They are stupid! But, alas, let me not be like them and remember that they are Jews.

    And finally, let’s commend Rav Shmuel for the biggest snow job in Israel’s history. This protest has nothing to do with the IDF. Rather, it has to do with who is the big cheese! Will it be Rav Shmuel or will it be Rav Chaim?

    In Israel, nobody ever knows what the next chapter holds… Watch and enjoy!

  2. Perhaps the headline writer should watch the video…..the police were acting with considerable restraint given these women were blocking traffic and ignoring orders to move on to the sidewalk. There is no special rules for female lawbreakers. They are entitled to peacefully demonstrate but should be treated no differently then the men if they engage in civil disobedience.

  3. Oh please, were you expecting them to be “Shomer Negiah”? The women showed up to add to the problem and I doubt anyone was really surprised at the way they were handled. The police are trying to prevent the disturbance and inconvenience caused by ALL the protesters, men or women.

  4. They should arrest everyone. Chutzpa from those people who constantly disrupt our lives and block traffic.

    If you are a Yeshiva Bachur and don’t want to serve in the army go get a “Dichuy” and a “Patur” like everyone else. There is absolutely no reason for all of this.

    P.S. All these Peleg Bacurim are thus lately not learning in Yeshiva (they are busy demonstrating) – therefore they are NOT Yeshiva Bachrim anymore and should indeed serve in the army (instead of Bitul Torah)

  5. If you join an unlicensed protest, you will be caught up in it, including physical removal. If being touched by a man bothers you, don’t join the protest. If you recognize the area this is in, you would know that there are two sides to this street – and this is where the protests have been occurring.

    This wasn’t some policemen arbitrarily touching frum women. This was a policeman clearing protesters.

  6. Who permitted women to go to a demonstration? Even for the demonstrations in 1953 against Sherut Leumit for women, the women went to Rav Herzog’s house and the Knesset Building and said there Tehillim. True, at the Knesset Building the police tried to disperse the women by spraying them with water from fire hoses, and they did not disperse. But that demonstration was suggested by the Chazon Ish. Whose suggestion was this demonstration?

  7. Stop whining. Well deserved. Enough with the silly demonstration. And if you do demonstrate expect to be pushed hit and or arrested. (Can’t Handle the heat, get out of the kitchen). STOP BIT…..ING.

  8. Women going out to demonstrations plus the way the police are handling the women is not good at all. Today it’s this issue, tomorrow will have other issues. This is going to cause all kinds of Shalom Bayis issues. I truly wonder if Rabbi Orbach gave the green light or maybe it was one of his Gabaim? This is the beginning of a real mess. I prefer not to get into details.

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