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Snow In Yerushalayim!

Snow began falling in Yerushalayim shortly before 9:00PM Tuesday night and is expected to continue throughout the day Wednesday before tapering off Wednesday evening. Nearly one hundred snow plows have dispersed an approximate 34 tons of salt on the city’s streets, while tractors headed to emergency centers around Yerushalayim neighborhoods.

24 Responses

  1. Oh no! My daughter is in Yerushalayim and has a flight back tomorrow morning. I hope she can get there! I told her she should stay in Bnai Braq overnight, it never snows there!

  2. There is snow and it IS settling on the ground despite road usage. If this continues then there will be several inches on the ground by Wednesday morning.

  3. it is now 1 oclock in yerushalayim and anyone who looks out their window will see a nice white blanket starting to cover the city (and i was outside at 9 it was snowwing for those who say otherwise) there are even snow plows on the streets sorry north east i dont knwo what city your in but there is definatly snow in yerushalayim and its only 118 maybey at 208 which you claim is the time it wont be snowing but for now lets all enjoy the beautiful snow in yerushalayim!!!

  4. I hope my neices and nephews in the other parts of the coutry see the snow too. What a treat!

    Here in the NY/NJ area this is common place but I have to say, there is “excitment” about seeing snow at the Kosel.

  5. someone said a good line in shul (Ramat Beit Shemsh) this morning:
    In America, they’re all laughing at Israelis for making such a big deal about a couple of inches of snow (that the whole country shuts down, etc.).
    But what happens when a terror attack hits New York? The whole country shuts down for a month.
    Here, rachmona litzlan, terror attacks are common like USA snow storms.
    Hashem Yishmor Aleinu

  6. High all i an writing you from one of the TALLEST YESHUVIM (in Gush Eztion in Midbar Yehudah) and it started early Wednesday here

    we still have power but its been on and off a little
    i have a Wood stove fully loaded and its nice and warm (inside) sorry to say its kind of wet snow so its not sticking to much (in the past we have gotten 3 FT.)

    BTW snow is more of a Bracha then rain this time of the year (as the tree’s cycle of live just starts now after Tu-B-Shvat)

    oh oh there goes the power again NEED TO POST THIS


  7. IF ” nearly one hundred snow plows have dispersed…”
    its about time the city & transpotation services were properly prepared for the yearly [- in recent years] snow!!!

    p.s. many shuls have avos ubanim [for an hour] today! Yehivas Hillel!!

  8. Hey, I woke up this morning and Yerushlayim was covered in white! Grabbed my sled and went sledding down Bar Ilan st.,it was really cool!

  9. Apparently only certain parts of the city had real snow. Oh yes, it fell from the sky, but the ground temperature was still above freezing & in my neighborhood it did not stick, except to a few rooves & car windshields. But apparently elsewhere it did stick. Now it is raining, mixed with some “freezing rain” or hail, but some are predicting a dip in temperatures so we may still see an actual accumulation of snow. Stay tuned!

  10. im in yerushalyim now at 5:25pm its definitly no preatty clean blanket of white snow its grey, rainy, snowy slush on the ground that makes your feet freeze

  11. You know, there is so much hype about snow in Yerushalayim yet here in Manchester, where one would expect us to get snow, we never do anymore! A few flakes if we’re lucky, a day of light snow that turns into slush and freezes the next day and that’s it!! Boy do I miss real snow.

  12. the fondest days of my tenure in the holy land were snow days just to stand at the entrance to town by binyanei hauma and wath israeli drivers do donuts in 3 gear not knowing how to drive in 1/2 an inch of snow lol after a half hour of laughing it was sad lol

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