Peleg Faction Promises to Renew Protests Today, Sunday

Officials of the Peleg branch announced on Sunday morning 8 Kislev protests will resume during the afternoon hours, beginning in Jerusalem at 3:00pm.

The official notice comes from “The Vaad to Save the Torah World”, is organizing the renewed protests in line with instructions from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita. They are protesting the “prolonged detention of 12 prisoners of the Torah World”, those sentenced by a military court to months in prison.

The report states Rav Auerbach was updated on motzei Shabbos and the decision was made to continue the protests.

A “large demonstration” is planned for 3:30pm at the intersection of Sarei Yisrael and Yaffa Streets in the capital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. i pray that there be no police casualties in herding these chayot into vans to be sent to jail. if they use water cannons, they should mix the water with some foul smelling odor to make the chayot want to run around vi Gott hut bashefen. wonder why their leader does not come to make the chillul hashem himself.

  2. why don’t the rabbonim speak out against these reshoiyim, who do no good but cause a public disturbance, causing people to have difficulty getting to work, to learning, to doctors, to pick up children, to visit the sick?

  3. Now we have to fight but don’t worry

    We the chareidim will prevail

    Even the seculars are forced to admit that within the next 20 years we will be the majority.

    Keep shteiging in torah!
    Keep demonsrating!
    Keep building your families!
    Take to the streets and show who you are really scared of. Not the police or IDF . Not the airev rav corrupted politicians but hashem
    This is the beginning of the end for the Nazi state of Israel Who are doing all they can to destroy the jewish nation

  4. Maybe I’m being nitpicky, especially after having just gotten stuck in traffic because of them, but can you please stop referring to them as the “peleg faction” when in essence you’re calling them the “faction faction”. Peleg means faction. Therefore in Hebrew they are the “Peleg Yerushalmi” as opposed to the majority of Litvish chareidim who align with the gedolim in Bnei Brak and therefore (incorrectly) were referred to as the “Peleg Bnei Braki” (incorrect because according to Oxford a faction is “a small organized dissenting group within a larger one”- those who are not part of Peleg Yerushalmi, or as they are referred to here in E”Y- Eitznikim- are the majority by far and therefore cannot be referred to as a faction). In any case- if you care to refer to them at all, then please call them by the correct translation- “Yerushalmi faction”.

  5. Luckshun Kugel

    The Rabbonim DID speak out against this in very strong terms!
    There was a very strong letter signed by MANY great Rosh Yeshivos against what the peleg is doing.

    Rabbi Yeshua Eichenstein Shlita ( mekurav to av Shteinman) said publicly that the gedolie yisroel of the mainstream camp feel that what the peleg is doing is a SAKANAH to klal yisroel

  6. rabbi of crowley, chareidim are now about 10%. their system is collapsing. you seem to do math as one totally uneducated. did you get a secular education???

  7. I had a i education that teaches that when a sect is having 8+ kids per family and the rest are having 0-2 kids , within a short period of time they will win. It’s obvious isn’t it

    The charedim in israel don’t need to be educated in statistics to know this. They just go all over israel and see the truth



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