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Israeli MKs Demand That Kever Yosef Be Restored

kever yosef.jpgA petition signed by dozens of Knesset members called on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to demand that the Palestinian Authority restore Kever Yosef in the framework of the ongoing peace negotiations – Ynet reports.

Among those who signed the petition were Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu, Shas leader Eli Yishai and nine of his fellow party members, as well as several other lawmakers from Kadima, Yisrael Beiteinu, National Union-NRP and United Torah Judaism.

“The tombstone is completely shattered, and the holy site is desecrated in an appalling manner, the likes of which we have not seen in Israel or anywhere else in the world,” the MKs said in the petition.

Recently, the IDF has arranged tours to the Kever under heavy security – as reported by YWN. Click HERE for the latest tour with pictures.

Additionaly, Arutz 7 is reporting that France’s Chief Rabbi, Joseph Sitruk, visited Kever Yosef on Monday and expressed shock at the desecration by Arabs and the restrictions imposed by Israel on free passage for Jews to the holy site. “This is a holy place, and I do not understand why Jews are not allowed to enter,” he told Arutz 7.

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